The only place for a coil spring is up Zebedee's arse
Posts: 1228

Having just picked up a set of Mondials, I think it is about time to replace my 5 year old General Grabber ATs, as they're really resembling normal road tyres these days. Very happy with how they have lasted me and their performance.

I see now the option is the AT3 - does anyone have any opinions of them on a P38, or if you have another currently available AT, what is it and what do you think of it?

Posts: 2448

16 or 18s?
AT3 is a good tyre all round, although I haven't run it on the Range Rover. It's probably a little noisier than the AT but it's hard to tell in a Jeep.
How much off-roading do you do? After the Grabber AT line was discontinued I was in the same boat as you a few months back and decided to stay on-road and use the Michelin Crossclimate tyres. They're a solid step up from the Grabber ATs in wet braking and noise.
I haven't tried them off road, and probably won't venture further than some flat grassy fields at work so if you're into muddy tracks I guess this won't be helpful. Unless you buy some spare wheels ;)

Posts: 96

Dear All,
I've just fitted AT3s all round on refurbshed wheels. Very noticeably beefier shoulders and deep tread but no obvious immediate issues with road noise and they seem to stick to greasy tarmac pretty good. I do regular non hard core off road farm tracks muddy verges etc so probaby a bit OTT for that but we'll see. Unfortunately the week later the rear diff began to whine........

Posts: 1228

Thanks guys

I'm after 18s - and while I did like my ATs, I must admit in the wet they were a bit less grippy at times. Never caused an issue, just made it a bit easier to get the traction control doing something.

I'm wondering about going with the Falken AT3WAs. After my less than ideal experience with Falkens on the BMW I said I'd never consider them again - but these are a very different kind of tyre, and seem to get better reviews than the current AT3s too... so I don't know.

I don't do much off the tarmac but its (in my mind) very much a case of when required - I don't want to be worrying about tyres letting me down. I had pure road tyres to start with and a damp field was hilarious but ultimately not conducive to getting anywhere :) in a straight line at least...

Posts: 672

I have the Wildpeak on mine (granted, on 16s) and is a fair all-around tire.

Posts: 2448

If I'm honest with myself, the main reason I didn't fit the AT3 to the P38 was looks. I like the chunky tyres on my Jeep, but not on the Range Rover. Don't know why.

Posts: 379

Because it a range rover not a jeep 🤗

Posts: 1228

Funny you say that Morat - I don't think the AT3 looks that great either :)

Going to be next month before I buy I think - but the Falkens are so far my favourite.

Posts: 222

BF Goodrich ATs are very good. I’m planning a set on my Mondials when I next get to a show.

Posts: 8165

As my preferred Vredestein tyres are no longer available, I've ordered a set of Kleber Citilanders. I don't need an off road tyre but I do need a tyre that can cope with snow hence going for something with a less aggressive tread pattern. But, I've ordered them from mytyres.co.uk and the tracking information is showing they are currently with Customs. Seems that mytyres is a German owned, but UK registered, company and it appears the tyres are coming from a warehouse in Germany. How long they are going to be sitting with Customs and how this is going to affect delivery times is anybody's guess. According to my partner, who works for a multi-national company dealing with spare parts deliveries, if a UK customer orders something that is stocked in a European warehouse, it used to be delivered directly. Now, in that case the customer would be charged import duty and VAT on it so instead it has to be transferred from one warehouse owned by the company to another warehouse in the UK before being sent out to the customer. Yet another benefit of Brexit.....

Posts: 96

Sloth wrote:

Funny you say that Morat - I don't think the AT3 looks that great either :)

Going to be next month before I buy I think - but the Falkens are so far my favourite.

And after fitting them I agree! They don't look quite right on such a refined vehicle, but needs must.

Posts: 8165

and my tyres are still sitting with Customs. Only been there since 13:28 on the 17th......

Posts: 2448

I buy from my local tyre fitters. They're always cheaper than the online prices and they get stock next day!
I'm probably lucky though, we have two firms located either side of a small market town. They keep each other honest on prices :)