The only place for a coil spring is up Zebedee's arse
Posts: 342

Hi guys,
Not posted for a wee while, so the car has sat with the top end rebuild a little 'stalled'.

A few days off and hoping to progress but parts might be the issue.

Looking at the injector rail diagram on New LrCat shows the older rail - so I'm hoping the parts numbers are OK. Is ERR7309 still the correct number for the small/lower O rings?

Do I need to replace the centre ones? EAC2414L? Do I need to replace the 'top' ones? I haven't removed the injectors, just the rail itself.

And, again the LrCat diagram doesn't show the correct fuel supply pipe. Mine's a 4.0 Thor/Bosch with the supply pipe coming in at the centre of the valley with a square sort of 'spring' clip. I assume there's an O ring in here too. Will that need changed? - and if so what's the part number?

I think I missed the lower injector O rings when I was compiling my parts list for this job, so that could unfortunately cost me a couple of days. I'd be surprised if I could find fhem locally.

Thanks for any replies.

Posts: 383

My book says that RTC5679 "O ring petrol injector small" x 16 if that helps.

Posts: 342

Thank you.

Yes, I saw that number too, but it was listed for chassis numbers up to WA. Mine is a 1A...... Which I thought from looking at some chassis number interpretation stuff was later than WA......? Maybe I've just made a simple mistake somewhere.

x16 presumably if the injectors have been removed from the rail...?

EDIT - RTC5679 seems to be listed for the 3.9 engines?? I can't imagine they would be different for the 4.0 though?

Posts: 8165

ERR7309 is correct for Thor, RTC5679 is for GEMS and EAC2414L is correct for both. I've found that the O rings are usually fine unless they get torn although I usually lift off the inlet manifold with fuel rail and injectors still attached so don't touch the O rings (unless I try lifting the manifold by the fuel rail and they pull out). Red rubber grease on them is a good idea when putting them in.

Posts: 342

Thanks Richard - my edit crossed with your post.

I did just that - lifted the rail off complete, and carefully. I have to say I haven't had a close look at the O rings since, I just thought it would be essential to replace them.

Are you saying that, if on inspection they are in good nick, that you've left them in place?

There are two places I could phone on the off chance they have some in stock, but if not that then I'd probably lose two days waiting for them to arrive. If just lubing the existing O rings and putting the rail carefulky back in place, then that could be handy.

Posts: 8165

If the rail lifted off completely without having to really pull, chances are that the rings hadn't glued themselves in place so won't have torn. If they had gone hard they probably would tear so will leak and you'll need new ones but if they are still soft(ish), a bit of lube and they should be fine.

Posts: 8165

On the chassis numbers, WA is 98 model year so GEMS, XA onwards is Thor. They go T for 96, V for 97, W for 98, X for 99, Y for 2000, they didn't use Z as it could be confused with a 2, then start with numbers so 1A is 01 and so on. The A signifies built at Solihull but as they were never built anywhere else, they will all have A before the actual serial number.

Posts: 342

Thanks again.

I had a closer look at the assembly, and I think I've made a bit of a fuss about nothing - apologies. I did lift the injector rail off complete with the inlet manifold, so the O rings haven't been disturbed at all. In which case I can't see any need to do anything but refit the whole assembly. I should have looked more closely before posting.

On the chassis numbers that means my car is a year 2000 registration, but a 2001 model year. I'll bear that in mind for the future - it hadn't occurred to me before, but I think that's still common enough isn't it - bringing in the 'model year' towards the latter half of the calendar year to boost sales.

Posts: 8165

If you haven't pulled the rail off or the injectors out of the manifold, then no need to do anything. You'll soon know if any of the O rings are leaking as soon as you turn on the ignition so the fuel pump starts up.

Yes, model year changes took place around September/October time so when you bought your new car on 1st January you were getting this years model not last years. Mine is a 98 model (WA VIN), first registered in March 98 but built November 97.