My HEVAC system doesn't work perfectly, but I can get warmth in the winter and turn it off in the summer so it's not so bad! This week the display has behaved erratically, losing bits, going blank and then working fine again on the last journey. I've watched a Youtube clip showing how to fix it with a Zebra Strip. My question is whether I can buy a suitable strip cheaply from a local source, as a generic item, and, if so, what precise size should it be? I see that there is a strip on Ebay for that specific job, but it is £13.16 inc. p&p for just the strip or £20.95 for the strip and bulb kit. There are bits of strip of various sizes on Ebay, but all from US suppliers. It seems like something that might be just a couple of pounds, if I could find the right spec. and a supplier. Anyone been here before?