The only place for a coil spring is up Zebedee's arse
Posts: 671

Hi, I am looking for a bit of helpful information, if someone would be kind enough to help.

My P38 failed its annual test in Ireland, and I am looking for the following, but I am not sure if I have the correct number of parts:

2 x power steering pipes [ which looking at a diagram seem to be the two "S" shaped pipes] - tester says that "the power steering pipes are leaking";
2 x oil cooler to gearbox pipes [ my garage guy says that the both seem to be leaking] - Maltings Offroad have an oil cooler plus pipes which I am considering:

Any opinions or comments would be appreciated.


Posts: 8165

Usual leak on the power steering is the return hose. You've got a low pressure hose from reservoir to pump, a high pressure hose from pump to steering box and the return. That attaches to the bottom of the reservoir and often leaks. All it needs is a jubilee clip to replace the original crimp clip and the crud cleaning off it.

Changing the cooler along with the pipes is a good idea. Sods law says you will order just the pipe and then find you destroy the cooler when you try to get the old pipes off. Make sure you get the O rings with the cooler and pipes.

Posts: 671

Richard, thanks for your advice and information. Is there any practical reason either for or against replacing the power steering return hose ?

I have read about the problems with the oil cooler elsewhere on this forum, I think. I will get onto to Maltings Offroad and see if the O-rings that you mention are included in their kit.


Posts: 8165

No practical reason at all. The hose goes soft with age so the clip is no longer tight enough to clamp the hose onto the reservoir, hence putting a Jubilee clip on there in its place. I've had to do it on both my cars. Assuming that is where the leak is originating and not from the join between the hose and the steel pipe or from corrosion on the pipe itself. In which case replacing it is the only sensible option.

Posts: 671

Looking around the Internet it appears that one of the pipe is NLA. This is listed as "QEP104670". I emailed Island 4x4 who tell me that they have in stock "ANR3383 - https://www.island-4x4.co.uk/hose-power-steering-25td-reservoir-9402-britpart-anr3383-p-4052.html " which is "Hose Power Steering RHD V8 / 2.5TD Box To Reservoir". Could this be the pipe that leaks that you made a mention of earlier ?

I can't find what the description for "QEP104670" is, but if this is the return pipe then I suppose it is a case of buying a used one and hoping that it doesn't leak ?

I noticed a question regarding this on another website somewhere and the poster was advised to try getting a pipe made by a hydraulic pipe company but he couldn't get it done.

Apart from putting a jubilee clip on the pipe, or buying a second hand, unknown quality, pipe are there any alternatives ?


Posts: 8165

QEP104670 is pump to steering box, so the high pressure pipe (see https://parts.jaguarlandroverclassic.com/qep104670-pipe-assembly-pump-to-steering-box.html?code=L7P01010). The return pipe is number 4 on the above diagram and is indeed ANR3383. Pump to steering box is different between petrol and diesel due to the differing location of the pump but the return is the same for all models. The return is the one that was leaking from where it connected to the underside of the reservoir on both mine. You need to find where yours is leaking from to work out which, if any, pipe you need.

Posts: 671

Thanks for all your help, Richard. I will have to get my guy to put on a ramp so that I can get a good look.

I think that this may be a case of "To be continued" !!!!!


Posts: 671

I was looking for information about the power steering pipes, both of which are leaking on my car, and I would like to see if anyone on the forum might be able to help with a possible solution that a supplier has suggested.

Both of mine are leaking, one just a very small bit] and I can only buy one of them new. One of them is no longer available. But, I have a contact in the UK who says that an earlier model power steering pipe is available. He said that he has checked and found that the power steering box and the pump, from an early P38, are the same as the later model, the fixing are the same, but the routing is slightly different. So my question is - can I get the pressure pipe to fit ? The return pipe is available, but the high pressure feed pipe is NLA. My car is a 2001 diesel. Has anyone tried this ? Any help would be much appreciated.

Posts: 552

i don't know about genuine pipes but i had a bloke from Pertec (a hydraulic hose maker) state he can make them , so i suspect all hydraulic hose makers can make them, all he needed was the pipe to match it up and take the inner out off or similar ,it's an option.

Posts: 671

I have looked at having them made up, but when I asked one hydraulics company in Dublin they didn't want to know. They said that they could quote me but, as a one-off item, and without have an exact pattern they were talking about €800 - €900 !!! The ones that are available at the moment, the low pressure correct pipe, and the high pressure one from the earlier car, would only cost about €250 together.

I can't find a diagram anywhere showing the routing or shape of a 1994 P38 steering pipes, which would make me think that my contact is correct in saying that the high pressure pipe from the earlier P38 will fit the later 2001 car. I can only find one diagram which, to me, would indicate that there is only one diagram for both models of car.

Again, I wonder whether anyone has any knowledge of this.


Posts: 379

Hi pressure hose on eBay as for low pressure I'd do hose clamp

Posts: 671

It's interesting that I have had a lot of people [I have asked the same question on P38 Facebook forum] giving the same answers to this [get one made up by a hydraulics company, or buy one second-hand, or clamp the joints with jubilee clips, all good suggestions], but no-one has mentioned whether the RAVE diagram about the power steering pipes is the same for all years of P38 diesels.

This is what I am trying to find out - a bit like my questions last year as to whether one could modify a KHD drivers door handle to fit a RHD drive car - can the high pressure pipe from an early [1995] P38 fit a 2001 P38 ?

I did figure out that, with a bit of work and ingenuity, you can buy front door handles from a LHD car and get them to work on a RHD car, useful if you can't get new handles for a RHD.

But can I do this with the high pressure power steering pipe ? This is the question I am trying to solve, without first spending €160 getting an early model pipe delivered to Ireland.


Posts: 8165

I can't see there being any difference between early and late unless the pump is in a different place. Actual routing can't be that different if things at each end are in the same place.

Posts: 671

Richard, glad to hear from you !! I would agree with you, I can't see any mention that there are differences in the routing etc. between early and late models.

The problem that I have is that I am not great at figuring out the RAVE manual, and, having read the manual I am under the impression that the power steering pipes are all the same. There is only one diagram, and in the written instructions it doesn't say that there is a difference in the pipes between the years and models.


Posts: 8165

I've not commented much as I don't do oil burners (my argument is that for an engine to fire you need compression, fuel and a spark, diesels don't have a spark so should never run in the first place....) and I have only ever seen one and that is about 500 miles away from me so I can't have a look at it. Hence all I've done is compare part numbers. On the V8 there are are different part numbers but one supersedes to another so the latest part number will fit previous models but the part numbers on the diesel don't supersede which suggests they aren't interchangeable for some reason.

I'm surprised you can't get one made up, can't you just give them yours and get them to copy it?

Posts: 552

the bloke who voluntarily told me about the making off the hoses said he had made many over the years and they are about 100 dollars AU to make so not a big job , but he did say he needed the other hose to reuse the threaded ends as they are not available or something.
PS if you need one that badly i could send you a pipe for a petrol one from Australia.

Posts: 275

Pierre3 wrote:

I have looked at having them made up, but when I asked one hydraulics company in Dublin they didn't want to know. They said that they could quote me but, as a one-off item, and without have an exact pattern they were talking about €800 - €900 !!! The ones that are available at the moment, the low pressure correct pipe, and the high pressure one from the earlier car, would only cost about €250 together.

I can't find a diagram anywhere showing the routing or shape of a 1994 P38 steering pipes, which would make me think that my contact is correct in saying that the high pressure pipe from the earlier P38 will fit the later 2001 car. I can only find one diagram which, to me, would indicate that there is only one diagram for both models of car.

Again, I wonder whether anyone has any knowledge of this.


your right the older models will fit new
I put a 97 pump and pipes on my 2000 2.5td p38 when I had it
also took old pipes to local hydraulic pipe makers and they told me they can make replacement ones the S shape rubber is made in time with the pipes fixed in place

Posts: 8165

If you changed the pump, does that mean that the outlet is in a different place? If so, that would explain why the pipes are different.

Posts: 275

Gilbertd wrote:

If you changed the pump, does that mean that the outlet is in a different place? If so, that would explain why the pipes are different.

the outlet was the same on diesels I'm not sure about V8 to be honest

Posts: 8165

Pierre has a late model diesel and it seems the high pressure pipe is NLA but the same pipe for the earlier one is. He's wondering what the difference is and can he fit an early pipe to a later car? The steering box is the same and if the pump is the same and in the same place, I can't see any reason why he can't use the earlier one.