The only place for a coil spring is up Zebedee's arse
Posts: 1141

Evening All

Can anyone advise if they have used Nanocom to swap Motronic V8 ecu from one vehicle to another? The answers I can find on a Google serach seem to suggest its fairly simple to do with a Nanocom but I'm like to see if anyone on here has sucessfully done so?

Is anything needed from the Donor vehicle such as the EKA?

I'm looking to do this on a Disco 2 rather than a p38 as it seems having had the manifold off to check the wiring today that the failure I've got on 4 of the 8 cylinders to get any injection signals appears to be a fault of the ECU rather than the wiring.

Also a related but seperate question, I have access to an oscilloscope to have a look at whats coming out of the ecu in the way of signals, but haven't used one to do so. Can anyone confirm if this is a reasonable thing to try and do and some sort of guide to using it?

Posts: 8165

Simple enough to do. You go into the ECU and look at the immobilisation code and write that down. Then you go into the BeCM settings and write the immobilisation code you have just found in the ECU, that puts them in sync. Only problem I can see you having with a D2, is that you don't have a BeCM.....

Posts: 1141

That sounds far too simple! Will have a look what the menu options on the D2 show under both bits. I was expecting it to be somewhat more dificult than that. Need to check which ECU is fitted in any case to identify the best option to replace it with if it matters which one is used.

Posts: 1141

New ECU located and on its way now. Managed to find one for £44 including delivery. Looks like the P38 and D2 ECU is identical as the number on the one I have fitted matches the p38 listings as well.

Posts: 16

Brian, a couple of caveats for your information.
The P38 engine ECU is not the same as the Disco 2 V8 one.
It differs in 2 ways.
1: The immobiliser signal used in the D2 is completely different to the P38.
2: The tachometer (rev countr) output signal is different as well. The P38 outputs 4 pulses per crank revolution (8 cylinder output). The D2 one outputs 2 pulses per revolution (4 cylinder output).
So if you have bought a P38 engine ECU for your D2, I'm afraid it won't run unless you have it de-immobilised.
So I do hope you have bought a D2 engine ecu for your D2. If so it's a case of pop it in, do a security learn and away you go.

Posts: 1141

Hi Simon

It may be that the one I've located (by the number on the ecu - which is 0261204901 and NNN100660) isn't actually a p38 one though thats how its listed. Thats the number thats on the one currently fitted. Until Hermes/Evri decide to deliver it, I guess I won't find out!

Does the same part number apply to both ECUs and its just the software loaded onto them that is different? or are they physically/electrically different in some way?

If it is a P38 ecu then how its worked upto now is another question. It does seem the ecu has been messed around with previously (found only one of the retaining plastic nuts on it, and it wasn't located properly on the lugs either, plus some of the wiring looks a bit suspect around it (previous repairs, though nothing actually damaged as far as i can see). I wouldn't say its impossible thats its not the original ecu as there has been a water leak near to the ecu location which may have killed a previous ecu (and possibly hasn't done this one any favours either though its now been sealed and no longer leaks)


Posts: 16

OK the 0261204901 is the P38 THOR engine ecu.
The D2 V8 has a few different part numbers. 0261204476, 0261204895 come to mind. I can't remember the US Spec 4.6 number.
There is a possibility that some one has either changed or reprogrammed the flash in the ECU for a discovery one. They are electronically pretty much identical, or they may have simply changed the casing on the ecu.
What I would do is talk to it with a nanocom and see what the ecu tells me regarding part numbers etc, however you may came up against some issues using the P38 one as stated above.

Posts: 1141

Well its arrived today, I wouldn't rule out bits being swapped about previously, Its a job for the weekend in any case. Given the price its not the end of the world if it isn't suitable, but V8 Disco 2 ones seem scarce (and some of whats on eBay listed as the engine ECU shows v8/TD5, others show a description of the engine ecu but are actually LPG ecus as well).

Might have to try Roverviews if this one doesn't work as I think he is fairly close to me here anyway.


Posts: 1141

Well it certainly looks like the existing ECU is at fault

enter image description here

I'm guessing this is a sign that the immobiliser on the one currently installed has been bypassed?

enter image description here

As you might guess, the new one doesn't want to talk to the BCU and throws a serial alarm error when you try to start the engine. Its clearly not the right ECU, I need to double check with the Nano tomorrow what part number is shown as being the ecu as what I saw was NNW100880 which doesn't appear to be anything when searched for (suspect I've looked at the wrong screen there).

Looks like possibly the existing ecu is in the wrong case for some reason though.

Posts: 8165

According to LRCat, NNN100460 is Disco2 while the P38 ECU is NNN100660 so it definitely looks like what is in the box isn't what was originally in it or it is a P38 one that has been seriously frigged about with so it will run a Disco2 (or it did until it caught fire). I think you've found the cause of your misfire though.

Posts: 1141

30382 (the number off the burnt IC) is described as a fuel injection driver chip when looking for it (Ali Express comes up with them). Can't make out the id of the little SMD diode looking component thats burnt from the photo, will have another look tomorrow but given that info with the symptoms I can't see it can be much else.

I was coming back with the same number for the D2 ECU as you list. Given the ecu wasn't properly installed when I did start investigating its been messed around with for sure, all the wires aren't present on the replacement one, nor the little PCB marked BBR I/2000 (and the appearance of them suggested as soon as I opened the case that it wasn't original either).

I can't find any sensible results for the ecu under that part number though. Search continues!

Posts: 8165

The problem you are going to have is that V8 Discos are almost in the hens teeth category, nearly all of them were TD5s. All listings on eBay are in the US although JLR show it as in stock, but not at that price https://parts.jaguarlandroverclassic.com/nnn100460-electronic-control-unit-engine.html

Posts: 1141

I'd noticed the same, thought I'd found one at a bargin price till I opened the listing to discover the delivery was twice the price of the item, and if anything to go by with my recent experience of a replacement LPG ecu will attract Customs/VAT on top as well.

I'd found the listing on JLR - surprised they still have any left!

I've put enquiries into the few that are breaking on eBay currently, will see what I get come back, one has already said ECU has gone.

Didn't know most Discos were Diesel rather than petrol though. I guess given the target market thats to be expected though.

Posts: 16

Wow! That's some interesting mods going on in there! Would be nice to know who did that and what they were trying to achieve.

Ok I appreciate you are now looking for a D2 ecu. I am sorry I don't have one in stock. For some reason prices shot up on them mid last year to the point I could not justify having one sitting on the shelf.
However for now, I can bypass / remove the immobiliser from the P38 THOR one for you so you can at least still use the car if you like.
The only thing will be the fact the rev counter will be showng double the actual RPM.
If I can be of assistance in that way, drop me a message.

Posts: 16

Looking at this again a little more closely, I think I know what's going on in there.
The scorching to the around the capacitor PCB is in the injector driver area with the 30382 injector driver I.C. taking some damage.
This is I pretty much guaranteed how the ECU has failed.
Now, onto the ECU itself.
That does like a later P38 ECU due to the fact there is a capacitor omitted from the board up by the power connector. This was done by Bosch when they revised some of the power components.
The mods done by the I/O interface and processor I.C.s looks like some kind of immobiliser bypass. I know the signals are definitely in that area. So I may not have been the first to work out how to do the Thor immobiliser bypass then. All I can say is mine is much neater and only 3 wires.
The 14 pin IDC connector may well have been used for setting up / data scanning and possibly to change the rev counter pulses back to 4 cylinder.
I can see a power feed coming from the black capacitor marked CVF to it which makes me wonder if there's anything underneath the connector.
So all in..
I think you do have a P38 engine ecu in your D2 that's been modded to work with it by persons unknown.
As I said, I can get the P38 one you have actually running. Tackling the rev counter, I have not looked at as never needed to. I can do it. just not looked at it.

Posts: 1141

Thanks Simon. I'm going to have a look at the Nanocom with the existing one today to try and pull off the right part number, will get back to you from there.

No idea who modded this one, wasn't done by me thats for sure, and it doesn't look a particually neat job either.

Whereabouts are you located? Could you either post or pm me some details on what you can offer/prices?


Posts: 16

Please do investigate with the nanocom. That'll give us the definitive answer on what it is as this has certainly piqued my attention.
I wasn't going to say anything about the installation, which is why I kept it to the word "Interesting". It's polite.
I am in Pembrokeshire.
Dropped you a message about the P38 thor immo. Didn't want to go full on advertising it here with prices as I don't know if it's breaking any rules.
Let us know what the nanocom reveals please.

Posts: 1141

This seems to show the other part number - IE the correct one if I'm reading it correctly?

enter image description here

Not sure what to make of that if I'm honest!

I can only assume that either the ecu is the correct one in the wrong metal box/wrong label on box, or has been reflashed with the right firmware? Though what the other board is doing seems by its location to be immobiliser related, so if this is the original board or one thats been put in there for some reason I don't know (likely reason being water damage due to the leak down the side of the windscreen we discovered eventually).

Posts: 16

That's definitely a D2 software version.
Perhaps the case got a bit grotty and they swapped it out?

Posts: 1141

I've managed to obtain one with the right part number now - its going on there tomorrow hopefully that will work!. I'd have gone with your fix if it wasn't for the unknowns around the rpm counter side of things.

It doesn't look like theres a socketed eprom or similar to control it, so I can only guess its the wrong board in the box for whatever reason. Case is aluminimum so I'd have thought it shouldn't suffer too much but who knows!.