The only place for a coil spring is up Zebedee's arse
Posts: 671

I wonder whether anyone might have an idea what is causing a grinding noise at very slow speeds. I have noticed this just in the last day, when I slow to a stop, at traffic lights for instance, if I let the car move slightly forward with my foot still on the brake I have noticed a mechanical grinding noise and a roughness in the drive.

As soon as I drive off, however, everything seems normal, the noise and the grinding sensation disappears. I don't see any problems with the gearbox, the oil was changed three moths ago and all has been well, so I am wondering whether there is something going on with the front diff ? I have no reason to suggest this except from reading other posts regards the diff going down the pan.

Any suggestions would be welcome , to give me an idea of where to start looking.


Posts: 8113

Worn out brake pad? If the calliper sliders are stuck, one pad will wear more than the others.

Posts: 671

Richard, I wondered about that, although I haven't noticed any deterioration of braking performance.

I went outside, just to have a look, and I see that there is a lot more black dust on the passenger side front wheel rim that any of the others. In fact, the passenger front is quite black whereas the other three are clean, having all been washed three weeks ago.

Maybe the time has come to do something about the front calipers, i.e. maybe fit new calipers and brake shoes.

Thanks for the advice, I'll see about taking off the front wheels and seeing how things are underneath.


Posts: 805

Agreed. Get some acetone and wipe down the brake discs, although if they are rusty then remove the rust, and of course if the pads have already been worn down excessively then replace

Posts: 671

I did inquire, a while ago, about the low brake fluid warning message coming up very ocassionally, so I think that the pads on the passenger side have gone past their best by a long way. I am going to have a look at them after the weekend, but hopefully it is only the pads making a mess of the wheel rim.

I did a tot up of the parts if the calipers need replacing, allowing for Mintex discs and EBC pads and calipers, plus the caliper carriers, all from JGS4x4 Land Rover Parts, and the total comes to around €550 including taxes, carriage and duties. So I will have to have a good look first, to see if I need to replace everything.


Posts: 671

Dodgy front brake disc.
enter image description here
enter image description here

It looks like the brake pads have disappeared ! The other three wheels are perfect, but the front passenger wheel has a load of crap on it.


Posts: 8113

That isn't crap, it's iron filings that have turned to rust. One of the pads is down to the metal. Either that is the first one to contact the disc and the others aren't far behind or one of the sliding pins has seized so one pad, usually the outer one, will have been constantly rubbing on the disc. Calliper carriers are cheap enough if you can't free it off.

Posts: 671

Thanks Richard. Would I be advised to fit new calipers, as well as carriers ?


Posts: 8113

No, clean up the sliders and give them some fresh grease and put it back together. If you can't get the seized slider out, then a new carrier but there's no reason to change the callipers at all.

Posts: 671

Thanks for your advise, Richard, I have probably saved £300-£400 !!
