The only place for a coil spring is up Zebedee's arse
Posts: 60

Hi Folks,
I had a interesting week, so to speak. I took my P38 down to my mates workshop and got it up on the hoist to replace all the suspension bushes, ball joints, etc. First up I removed the front arms and pressed out the front bushes, then I realized I would need to make some special tools to be able to press the new bushes in. So that was the rest of Monday taken care of, making tools to press the front and rear arm bushes out and in, and the panhard rod bushes out and back in. So then on Tuesday I replaced all those bushes and started on the ball joints and front axle seals. Wednesday I finished the Ball joints and tidied up a few other bits. Thursday I cleaned up my mess and and took the old girl for a test drive. The ABS light stayed on, so I plugged in the scan tool and it said the air gap on the left front sensor was too wide, so I gave it a bit of a push and a wriggle and the problem was fixed. I went home feeling pretty happy with my work. The car sounds a lot quieter on the road, and feels a bit firmer to drive. All in all I am very happy with the result. And Friday was declared a rest day.
Regards, Alan

Posts: 8158

As you have found out, you do need a tapered tool to press the bushes into the suspension arms, but you shouldn't need one for Panhard rods. Clean up the hole, put the bushes in the freezer and just press them in with a hydraulic press. It's amazing how much difference it makes taking all the slack out from the front end.

Posts: 60

hi Richard, yes I could have done the panhard bushes without making special tools but while I was on the lathe, making the tools for the front arms, and I had some material in stock I just made the correct tools to do the job. I will probable never use them again but you never know. Next I have to pull the rear diff assembly out of another P38 I have that has a Maxi Drive (locking Diff ),overhaul it and swap it into my P38. Sounds easy when you say it quickly.