The only place for a coil spring is up Zebedee's arse
Posts: 819

Does anyone happen to have a scrap transfer case or gearbox knocking around they'd be willing to part with?

Posts: 8165

I've got a dead 4HP22 that I took out of mine last year. With no warning it suddenly lost all drive. Driving along it felt like I had a misfire, switched from LPG to petrol and just the same so not a fuel problem. Stopped at a set of traffic lights at a roundabout and the idle was perfectly smooth (which seemed odd), lights changed, foot down and it very slowly crawled away with the engine spinning at about 3,000 rpm and just managed to get round the roundabout and off the road. After that, I could leave it for a minute or so, start the engine, put it in drive and if I was lucky it would manage about 100 yards before losing drive again. So took it out and put a 4HP24 in instead. Flex plate wasn't cracked, torque converter was fully home in the gearbox and I haven't gone any further than that. I keep meaning to see if Ashcrofts would give me enough for it to cover the fuel to get it there but haven't, so if you can make use of it, it's yours.

The difference between the 4HP22 and 4HP24 is the length of the gearbox itself, the 22 being 15mm shorter but with a longer tail extension so the overall length is the same.

Posts: 819

I'm wanting to eyeball up a gearbox adaptor as per the chat in the other thread.

Shipping the whole thing will be dear, but if you could remove the rear extension housing and output shaft and chuck em in a box that would be excellent, i could send some beer tokens for your time and ofcourse cover the shipping costs.

Will drop you a message :)

If anyone happens to have a transfer case let me know!