The only place for a coil spring is up Zebedee's arse
Posts: 8153

As most will have noticed, we've been to visit the other half's parent's in Saulkrasti, Latvia. On the way out we cheated and only drove as far as Lubeck Travemunde in Germany and took a 23 hour ferry crossing to Liepaja in Latvia, but on the way back, there wasn't a convenient ferry so drove all the way. However, there was an event in Liepaja on Saturday that we wanted to go to, so came back via there too. Unfortunately, there's a bit of Russia (Kaliningrad) between Lithuania and Poland so you have to go round that making it a less than direct route. So with going via Liepaja and avoiding the Russian bit meant the route that we took was a bit further than a direct one and included a stop off with my step daughter in Lelystad, Netherlands for a decent nights sleep. The temperature was below freezing and snowing as far as Warsaw and the HEVAC didn't get up as far as 0 degrees C until we were well into Germany, by which time the snow and turned to sleet and then rain. So we knew we were getting closer to England.

enter image description here

It did mean that a milestone was hit just before the Belgium/France border though......

enter image description here

The car behaved faultlessly all the time. The highest temperatures we saw all week was -3C and there was 40cm of snow on the ground. Interesting that we were hearing about snow in the UK causing a state of emergency to be declared and roads closed but no such thing there. The snow falls, they send out a snowplough to clear the roads down to about 5cm so you can see where the road is. After that, the traffic clears it if there is enough. So main roads get cleared after a while, more minor roads are left with tyre tracks while side roads are still a couple of inches of hard packed snow that you drive on. With decent winter or all season tyres, it isn't a problem at all and I had to try really hard to get the traction control or ABS to kick in by booting it and then stomping on the brakes.

Posts: 741

Whoa ! Impressive - half a million miles

That's equivalent to a trip the Moon and back of course.....
That's One Small Step for Man: One Giant Leap for a P38

Posts: 661

Great milestone! Bravo to Richard for keep high the flag of the most unreliable Range Rover ever :-)

Posts: 678

Way to go Richard!

Posts: 226

Impressive milestone!

Posts: 1370

Impressive mileage, also an impressive trip. I'd love a road trip like that.

Posts: 15

Congratulations on the milestone Richard!! More miles to come on your p38!! Hope you enjoy it even more!!

Posts: 129

Average MPG & fuel cost for the journey ??

Posts: 8153

No idea on mpg but running on LPG all the way. A total of 10 fill ups, once in Latvia, once in Lithuania, three times in Poland, twice in Germany, once in the Netherlands and twice in Belgium, total cost £362.20. Cost varies a lot, 0.69-0.74 Euro in Latvia and Belgium, 0.55-0.58 in Lithuania, 3.00-3.70 Zloty in Poland, 0.75-0.82 Euro in Netherlands and 1.18-1.25 Euro in Germany. Belgium is only small but as it is that much cheaper than Germany, France and the UK, I will arrive in Belgium virtually empty, fill up at the first filling station and then top up at the last. The last fill in the last filling station in Belgium was just enough to get me home and the 9 miles to my local Flogas to fill up Tuesday morning.