The only place for a coil spring is up Zebedee's arse
Posts: 487

For completeness.

I may have already put this info on here somewhere, but if not and you wind up with an overhauled modulator and new accumulator pushing a problem down to the brake pump, it's an easy fix.

The pump started leaking and on stripping down, found an o-ring past it's best. This is 50mm I/d, 2mm X-section.

Of course, replacing this caused another leak. The shaft seal on the motor. Any pump shop should be able to supply (they're used on thousands of domestic water pumps here) and is called by the catchy name of , 16x8x6, SC/SF, NBR, SOG.

It's been three years or so now since I did all the brake works and not had a jot of trouble. Topped up the fluid once, not long after completion and never since.

Must be due a fluid change now!

Hope the above info helps.

Posts: 4

What would happen if I were to just swap out a later model Wabco brake modulator with the one I have? I own a '96 P38 & it definitely has the clicking brake signal. I have Russell's kit, but I don't have the patience/ability to pull a modulator out & rebuild one (where I live there is an ordinance against working on vehicles in our driveway & my P38 is lifted & doesn't fit in my garage. And my mechanic won't pull the modulator & rebuild it, or pull it & give it to me to hopefully rebuild -- he won't let my P38 sit on a lift (though he might over a weekend). TY for any advice.

Posts: 8153

You can fit the later modulator to an earlier car and, if you change for the Wabco D ECU as well you also gain 4 wheel traction control. IIRC there's a couple of minor wiring mods that have to be done and there is a how to do it article floating around somewhere (but not one I have bookmarked unfortunately). Not sure what would happen if you just swapped the modulator without changing anything else though.

Posts: 129

There's a link to the guide at the bottom of one of my threads here. I did the swap to the Wabco D type modulator/ECU when my original modulator developed issues. The original modulator had the BMR kit fitted to it.

Posts: 8153

Thanks for that, now saved in my folder of useful P38 stuff.

Posts: 39

Lot of good info here. Thanks.

Posts: 819

Does anyone have the actual teardown/overhaul guide?

I'm wanting to take apart my broken unit... So far i've removed the two steel pins and the hex head thing from the opposide side.

However the round ally piece that the pedal attaches to wont come out the front, not sure what i'm missing here? I've tried crowbarring at it somewhat, but it wont move.

Posts: 129

Found it.
BMR Manual

Posts: 819

Awesome thanks.

I managed to get it apart with bruteforce, couldnt actually see anything wrong with it, my suspicion is one of the ABS solenoids has stuck.

Guide is super handly though incase i need to replace seals etc.

Posts: 39

Does anyone know from where to buy the o-ring kit only ?