The only place for a coil spring is up Zebedee's arse
Posts: 647

Hi guys, Tony here from The Netherlands.
I saw this forum passing by with the names of some trusted members and I thought I might join.
A new forum in developement and I am proud being the 26th member.
As the username suggests I spent most of my professional time as a ferryman on the Amsterdam waterways and retired a couple of months ago.
As for LR my first tractor was a Spanish Santana Cazorla, the 109" stationwagon with the 6 inline Rover diesel. What an engine.
I drove it in the 2,5 years we lived in Spain, hauled boats with it and was workshop aswell.
Back in The Netherlands I have owned 4 Classics over the years and now have a 2000 P38.
I hope I can contribute to members here, let's see how things go.
When it comes to serious discussions, I avoid them because English is not my native language and a debate is beyond my capabilitys.
I hope this will become a place where people respect eachother and get answers to their questions.
On another forum ruled by a mister knowitall, his first answer is always a pointer to Rave and read that carefully. I want to help people when possible and give a relevant answer.
Where are the days of the LR UK forums (I made it to engineer) when Classics were hot, chopped or stretched and 6x6 wheel drive.
I don't see that happening with a P38.
Let's make this a place where RR is the centre of the universe.

Posts: 8146

Hi Tony and welcome. This forum was created out of frustration after both myself and Gordon (Gordonjcp who built and hosts the site) managed to get ourselves barred for a week at a time from the other forum by Mr knowitall. Before I found that one I used the Range Rover section of Landrovernet.com but on there someone asls a question and they might get an answer in 3 or 4 days time, it is so quiet. The idea here is that it is like a pub. It's a group of mates sitting in a pub having a chat about cars (as we all tend to do anyway) so there's no swear filter (if you are working on a Land Rover, swearing is something you'll probably be doing quite a lot of) and we couldn't care less if a thread wanders off topic.

Despite you saying otherwise, your English seems pretty good to me. My sister's husband owned a house in Holland a few years ago and it was used like a holiday home for the family. The first time I went over he told me not to worry about the language as virtually everyone speaks English. His explanation was that the Dutch know nobody is going to learn their language so they all learn everyone else's. He was quite right, every Dutch person I have ever met has spoken perfect English.