The only place for a coil spring is up Zebedee's arse
Posts: 290

Although Im sure I need to change my front airbag suspension as they are still originals on a 99 and the fact that they are on bump stops most of the time in the morning taking 10 mins to fill or even if I just pop to the shops and leave the EAS on normal I will come back to it dropped to the bump stops.

However I have an oddity.

If I leave the car with the EAS on high then the problem of it dropping to the bump stops doesnt seem to happen and it will stay up for a few days.

Why would this happen. If I have holes its going to escape, the difference between normal and high wouldnt make a huge difference to how long it stays up surely.

Posts: 2312

They tend to perish along the creases. Leaving the suspension on high is possibly pinching the hole closed. That's why, when leak checking, you test on all heights. Time for a trip under with the soapy water. Life expectancy is around 9 years tops, so yours have done well. It'd probably be worth pulling the EAS timer relay as a test when parked up to eliminate the auto levelling dropping it down. Budget for a compressor refurb as well. If you've got leaks the compressor will have had to work harder.

Posts: 8151

Yup, OB got it spot on. They fold over on themselves so at high the cracks will be closing up enough to seal but at normal the rubber will be opening the cracks up. 50 quid a corner from Island 4x4 for genuine Dunlops and about 25 quid on eBay for a compressor rebuild kit. After the way your missus has trashed her car, I suggest you keep at least one of them on the road......

Posts: 290

Island 4x4 have been doing well with my business lately.The suspension is next on the list although I already have had the rebuild kit sitting in my drawer for the past year.

Posts: 1327

P38 before my present one used to drop, ( bought it with eas fault) I honestly don't know how it pumped up, compressor was completely shot, rear bags were both through to the material lining,, I Wouldn't mess about, just change them before the day when your miles from home and end up on the bump stops, I had that for only 27 miles (m25 mostly) got shook to bits, lol

Posts: 805

I had that for only 27 miles (m25 mostly) got shook to bits, lol

Mine failed just leaving Bradford on the way back up from Infest last year, hard fault and drop to the bump stops. Guess who learned to make sure the diagnostic cable is definitely in the seat back pocket?