The only place for a coil spring is up Zebedee's arse
Posts: 21

HI all,

2 weeks in and having lots of fun digging about in the guts of my P38...but now I want to checkout if there's any faults showing on the computery bits. I've been recommended the black box solutions fault mate, but that seems a bit pricey. There's also the icarsoft i930, which says it supports the P38 but I can't find much about it on here or the other forum so.....anyone use one of these? https://www.icarsoft.com/Product/s-332-icarsoft_multi_system_scanner_i930_for_landroverjaguar.html

You can pick them up on amazon for about £115: https://www.amazon.co.uk/iCarsoft-i930-Automotive-Diagnostic-Tool/dp/B00VKQOKA4

Just wondering if it can do everything the fault mate can do, or will I be missing some stuff?

Posts: 665

Nanocom is the one for mere mortals. Things it can't do are for experts only which you really don't want to be messing about with as getting it wrong can need major league effort to sort. Diagnostics is not somewhere to skimp. When you need it you need it and need it right.

Forget the rest. Cheap general purpose with a few bells and whistles ones like the iCarsoft don't cover enough. Britpart Lynx looks comprehensive but can't, in my experience, be trusted and there appears to be no commitment to continued support. I got one of the original ones trusting in promised upgrades which never turned up. Darn thing locked car in transport mode too.

RSW EAS unlock works treat and I'm pretty confident that anything else Storey offers offered will be pretty good but he is one man band which inevitably makes life harder.


Posts: 21

So by Nanocom you mean this one? https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Nanocom-Evolution-Range-Rover-P38-EDC-Diagnostics-NCOM06/331158329505

Posts: 1141

I've not used the iCarsoft for Land Rover, but have used it for Renault and frankly it is fine if you want to display information, but useless beyond that (TPMS sensors being one example - you can display whats programmed, but not program any new ones, If you look at the controls on the keypad you realise there is only 6 buttons there, which severely limits what you can do, The hardware is the exact same one as the Renault etc and looks identical to the Launch Creader as well).

The Nanocom on the other hand is a touchscreen based solution, and worth it for the first time you get stuck with needing to enter the EKA when its locked out and the doorlock doesn't work alone (which I seriously doubt the iCarsoft could do). Plus if something is found not to work there are software updates for the Nanocom to address any issues. When i looked at the other options they were either VIN locked, or the Lynx, and I wanted nowhere near the Lynx due to it being Britpart mainly.

Posts: 1141

TallPaul wrote:

So by Nanocom you mean this one? https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Nanocom-Evolution-Range-Rover-P38-EDC-Diagnostics-NCOM06/331158329505

Posts crossed!

I'd suggest you goto them direct - That one is £50 cheaper (Same company selling it, just without having to allow for the 10% to eBay)

Main Website > https://www.nanocom-diagnostics.com/
Shop direct link > https://www.nanocom-diagnostics.com/shop/browse

The one you selected is the Diesel one BTW - you need to select the correct one for what you have got, you can add extra capability to an existing unit at a later date, Much more info on their website.

Posts: 8165

Nano Evo every day and will pay for itself in no time compared with taking it to an Indie to get faults read. If you get the one for a diesel, although it won't do the engine codes and adaptive resets on GEMS or Thor petrol engines, it will still do all the other stuff (ABS, SRS, HEVAC, EAS, etc). I've used my GEMS one on Thor and diesel for the other systems and worst case for the other engines just use a £30 from eBay generic OBD code reader. Should you ever change to a different one, then it's just an extra £50 or so for the extra licence.

I know someone with the iCarsoft which claims to do everything until he tried to use it on a P38 and found it did nothing other than engine. The free RSW EASUnlock V3 works very well on the EAS alone but when he announced the paid for V4 I noticed it had a tab for the HEVAC but nothing else. I emailed him and he told me it was a work in progress and would be added as and when he got around to it. Whether it has or not I've no idea but something on a laptop is still not as convenient as the Nano which can live in your glovebox for the day you need it.