The only place for a coil spring is up Zebedee's arse
103 posts

Hi folks, I haven't really had a lot of time to do stuff with the forum but a few folk contacted me to say it was unbearably slow.

This appears to be because the thing that makes emojis work has been closed down by the third-party provider, and it takes a while for the script that handles emojis to do its thing. I've disabled it, and things seem pretty snappy again - at least, as good as they ever were - but if you spot anything that looks really really wonky let me know!

Mine's just developed an odd fault. If you turn the key to III all the accessories shut off like you'd expect, but the engine doesn't crank. It's exactly like it thinks it's not in N or P but the dashboard says it's in Park. If I jumper the starter relay, the engine will turn over but there's no spark at the plugs, presumably because it's "too smart" to fire the ignition if it's not actually being started on the key? Although that being said, I thought you could bump start manual V8s, so that kind of makes no sense. The ignition switch seems to deck the appropriate pin on its connector.

It's too dark to really check if all the supply rails are present but that's my next port of call.

Any other thoughts?

Here's a list of handy things to download, collected into one place. Add suggestions if you've got 'em!

  • RAVE is a collection of the various service and troubleshooting manuals