The only place for a coil spring is up Zebedee's arse
Posts: 741

Count me in Colin, Cheers !

I already have an MSV - which works great (along with my PC) but the Nano is much more versatile/portable.

The key (differentiating) factor with any Diagnostics Kit is good support, and with the 'others' it is virtually non-existent of course !

Posts: 1327

I'm dithering with the idea, as I have access to diagnostics that haven't let me down yet,, can we purchase more software at the same time, as being locked to Bosch or gems doesn't appeal to me..

Posts: 8156

I would think Colin would honour the discount if you were to buy a GEMS unit and the Thor licence in one hit (or the other way round).

Posts: 784

I'm definitely on board. Bonus!

Posts: 18

Hiya all
I really appreciate that my post and offer to host a group buy discount as being regarded as I intended.
For the record, right now we are actually more at risk of running short of producing enough Nanocoms to sell rather than running short of customers who want one.

As many here already already appreciate, there is a huge piece of mind value in having such a capable and portable piece of equipment as the Nanocom on board at all times and even if you are lucky enough to never have to use it, it's resale worth makes investing in one a real no brainer.

Gees it costs less than a spare wheel and Tyre.

Its capabilities however, via its live data recoding and the new CSV viewer app, extend to far more than it providing simple emergency diagnostics


Honestly, I use my own Nanocom for this more than any other reason.

Regarding Support, yes we do provide the best support we can by documentation, e-mail and our dedicated owners forum.
We are however still not perfect, but clearly we are vastly better than most and to such a degree that I am able to be here here as a member and also as the owner of BBS, the ultimate publically answerable representive of our company and how you get treated.

So the list so far which can be copied added to and re pasted is;

1) davew
2) blueplasticsoulman

The group buy discount offer would extend to include any Nanocom accessories like windscreen mounts. additional leads or additional unlock codes purchased at the same time as the initial KIt.

I hope this helps


Posts: 1327

Excellent, I'm down for one to keep in the glove box

Posts: 331

Hi Colin, I'm a traitor and recently bought a 08 RR Sport. I can't see a Nano for this model. Have you produced one yet please? I'll be in Cyprus in four weeks so make sure it stays sunny please.

Posts: 2312

OldShep56 wrote:

Hi Colin, I'm a traitor and recently bought a 08 RR Sport. I can't see a Nano for this model. Have you produced one yet please? I'll be in Cyprus in four weeks so make sure it stays sunny please.

It appears there is one Shep:

Posts: 18

So we are all already up to

1) davew
2) blueplasticsoulman
3) no10chris

No worries oldShep56, I am a traitor too as my daily driver is now a nice Bali Blue 2010 RR 3.0 TDV6 sport and I recently sold my 99 white P38.

As OB states the kit for your Sport is available, PN NCOM41.

Please feel free to add your name to the list, getting us all almost half way there.

If you are planning to visit to pick this up to avoid postage and pay cash etc, we do provide this service but you will have to pre arrange it with my Admin Angels and likely stll put through an order that we would them manually modify to remove respective fees.

Re keeping it sunny, I will do my best and normally I would all but guarantee it, but a couple of days ago, during the weekend it actually rained really heavily here for about an hour. This event was a really huge novelty. No seriously, I was running around in just shorts looking for a missing Dog that I found cowering under a sun bed by the pool.



Posts: 819

Am i the only one that finds the nanocom a bit flakey? Or maybe mine just has issues!

Mine will semi-regularly lock up, and require me to exit out of a particular ECU and go back in again to get it to start reading data again.

Its also really quite slow, switching between screens takes eons, and the touchscreen is pretty poor...

I find using VCDS for my Audi much nicer, despite the inconvenience of it needing a laptop.

Posts: 1310

As much as I do love the Nanocom, and it is still my favourite diagnostics of choice because of size/functionality/portability etc, I do have to agree with you in some respects.

Sometimes, I think it's the ECU that is the cause - communications need to be reset etc (the HEVAC is bad for this - pretty much takes me 2 tries to connect every time) and also the communications protocol and speeds are going to the a LOT slower than newer vehicles with CAN bus and who knows what in them.

But, I do also find that sometimes the Nanocom is a bit 'clunky' to use, and I've had mine hang a few times too - most noticeably if you've had the 'instruments' running and then shut the engine off, and it loses communication with the ECU, mine just sits there - it won't even come up with a 'ECU communication error' and the red 'X' doesn't work to exit out.

I've also noticed that some of the labels for the information in boxes is incorrect to what the data is. I mentioned on the Nanocom forum a long time ago that the ABS sensors, at least in the WABCO 'D' Series don't match up with the values being displayed (or the fault codes). Also I've found that the left/right heating button inputs in the HEVAC are back to front - so RH button shows up as 'LH' in Nanocom etc.

Overall, I'm just used to it, and tell myself to go slow when using it, but it does get frustrating at times, and with things like the incorrect labels, it could potentially throw off new users who aren't aware of it!

Posts: 8156

Mines locked up a couple of times but I found that a squirt of contact cleaner in the plug and OBD socket seems to sort that out. I knew about the ABS sensors showing as wrong and thought that had been sorted with the latest firmware release but I found another one recently. While sorting out the blend motors on the Ascot it was insisting that there was a pot fault on the RH blend motor, yet when I looked at the live data, I could see the feedback value changing as I changed the temperature but the LH one didn't. Temperature changed on the RH side too and didn't on the left so I knew it was the left one that was duff. Due to a bit of a faux pas on my part, I suspected there might be a problem with the HEVAC so swapped it with the one in the SE to test. The one in the Ascot is the early version, the one in the SE has obviously been changed at some point as it is the latest version. That showed the fault correctly as being on the LH blend motor and not the right.

However, despite it's odd little foibles, which you soon get used to, I still think it is by far and away the best tool on the market.

Posts: 18

Many Thanks for all your recent comments and honest feedback.

Just like a P38 Range Rover, over an L405 Range Rover, the Nanocom is not the latest and greatest technology.
It is certainly not some multi core 1,X Ghz processor powered multi touch smart phone / tablet, just like the P38 is also not some collection of Super fast,
networked ECU's.

Few will likely know and appreciate that technologically and diagnostically the P38 is a collection of different ECU's from many different manufacturers that all
impliment communications that are specifically designed to be as evasive, incompatible and as non standard as possible. EG, Try finding 1387 on a Baud rate table or imagine inverted or differeing voltages over any standard. Their design aim is entirely to prevent any third party access from easily communicating with them.

Some are so akward and odd that they cant even share the same pins on the Diagnostic connector, hence there are 3 pairs plus a special wake up pin for the EAS.

The ABS, needs to be reset manually by recycling the Ignition after ever communication session to put it to sleep, so you can have another session with it or
with any of the other ECU's it shares the same pins with,

Of course this is all written in the documents that it seems so few take the time and trouble to read and the Nanocom gets so quickly and easily blamed for so many of the communication issues that are actually P38 ECU diagnostic communication design issues.

Of course the Nanocom is not perfect and does share at least some blame, because to do what it does, the Nanocom uses no less than three seperate microcontrollers, a main one, one for the screen and touch inputs and one for the Vehicle Comminications.
These try their best to stay in sync, but sadly their syncronisation can all to easily get overwhelmed and the entire system crashed by users imagining it to be
some super responsive smart phone and over enthusistic button pressing, function switching input expectations that it simply cannot keep up with. Also a single
glitch in Communications can reek havok with it.

I am very glad to read that at least some have figured a good part of this this out and appreciate our efforts to add the P38 to the Nanocoms coverage capabilities..

With a good clean diagnostic connection, a little understanding and effort in reading the provided documentation explaining about the various vehicles various ECU foibles, a little patience and appreciation,I still believe the Nanocom is about as good as it gets for accessing a P38 IMHO, FWIW.

Warmest Regadrs



Posts: 8156

BBS-GUY wrote:

Of course this is all written in the documents that it seems so few take the time and trouble to read and the Nanocom gets so quickly and easily blamed for so many of the communication issues that are actually P38 ECU diagnostic communication design issues.

I must admit when I got mine it was a definite case of poke and hope and it was weeks before I dared even look into the BeCM in case I cocked something up and then found it didn't work. At the time I did say to a couple of people that the one thing it lacked was any instructions on using it. Then, while idly looking around your website, I found that there are instructions, just nothing that came with it to tell me there were and where to find them. Once you have the instructions, it all makes perfect sense but it may be worth a slip of paper in the box with a link to them.

Posts: 2448

I think it's a little box of magic, used to tame dragons.

Posts: 2

Is this group purchasing still open?

Posts: 1327

As far as I know, but we had to reach 10 purchases to get the extra discount ( which we didn’t ☹️)