The only place for a coil spring is up Zebedee's arse
Posts: 1

1996 Range Rover 4.6 HSE. I bought it new and have always maintained it myself with the exception of the factory service stuff.

So, I've gone through everything I can think of and am now considering a blood offering to the LR gods. Radiator was pulled and serviced by a guy I've known and trusted for years. New water pump. New viscous fan clutch. New thermostat. New top and bottom radiator hoses. No leaks. No blown head gasket or slipped liners. No oil in water or water in oil. No coolant loss, period. Cleaned the AC condensor. All original fan shrouds in place. The whole system cleaned and cleaned again. I'm running 50/50 distilled water and ethylene glycol and have burped and bled and burped some more. I'm using an OBDII to watch my ECT temperature in real time and the analog gauge is surprisingly accurate as well.

I even jumpered the aux fans at the R13 and R14 relays to run full time as a test and... it still overheats.

I'm about to give up and send it to the shredder. Any suggestions?

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Posts: 663

Sounds like temperature sensor issue to me. When a P38 decides to properly overheat they boil up in short order.

If its full of water, got proper circulation and has the fans running full time it ought to be pretty much physically impossible to overheat. Maybe point a IR temperature sensor gun at the top water outlet.

Frankly on a car of that age I'd change the sensors as a matter of course when doing such extensive work. If you are still on the original ones they are 20 years old which isn't a bad innings.


Posts: 1228

This post looks legit... except for the clearly spammy link in both this and your other post...

What gives?

Posts: 2312

Sloth wrote:

This post looks legit... except for the clearly spammy link in both this and your other post...

What gives?

Copied and pasted text from some other forum perhaps?

Posts: 1327

Sloth wrote:

This post looks legit... except for the clearly spammy link in both this and your other post...

What gives?

Funnily enough. I was thinking exactly the same thing, sure I've read that post elsewhere..

Posts: 1228


Yeah this is BS. It has been copied... and then used as spam.

Who has the authoritah to deploy the ban hammer? Can I do that? hmmm. Not that I can see.

Posts: 8146

I can delete the whole thread but I think Gordon is the only one that can ban someone. If it is being done to spread spam, I doubt he'll come back anyway.

Posts: 1370

I was going to say I wonder how the spammer manages to get a fake post so in context, as if there's a real person copying a post from another forum and adding the spam link, but I opened the spam link and it seems it's probably self explanatory... the spam website seems to offer spamware that can do that kind of thing for sale, unless there really is some fella in China making it relevant. Hmm that kind of facility could automatically copy LPG threads I made on say LPG forum to other forums and include a link to my website at the bottom without me writing another word lol.

Posts: 8146

Simon, you're brave, clicking on an obviously spammy link, there's no telling what's been uploaded to your computer now.....

OK, hands up, do I delete it and forever send it to oblivion?

Posts: 8146

Odd thing is, he joined in July but this is the first post he's made (unless he made another spam one and that's already been deleted).

Posts: 1228

I didn't delete it earlier for general amusement/wondering if others were able to actually ban the trolls.

Posts: 1370

Gilbertd wrote:

Simon, you're brave, clicking on an obviously spammy link, there's no telling what's been uploaded to your computer now.....

OK, hands up, do I delete it and forever send it to oblivion?
Yeh, aware of the risks but have some free level of 'protection' installed, just a link to a website, haven't suffered a blue screen of death for years, self taught programmer circa 1980-2000 who's sold own produced software and taught IT... But the first to admit I'm decidedly behind the times compared to the likes of my son who's doing a degree in programming. I'd love to be up to date and get into microcontrollers but having said that I'm not impressed by a lot of modern day programmers reliance on an operating system which distances them from programming the actual machine, makes modern programming more a means of pushing buttons in the OS. I'd like to think I'd still get to grips with microocontrollers quicker than a generic modern day programmer, at least if the MC didn't run an OS. Written too much here I know and apologise but I'm not going mad or completely pissed, it's an interest. I occasionally read up on microcontroller spec, look at example code, see if I can find what controllers are used in vehicle ECUs and wonder about aspects such as if injector pulse duration is handled by a pwm generator or achieved solely in programming that compares open/close time to built in timers.

Gilbertd wrote:

Odd thing is, he joined in July but this is the first post he's made (unless he made another spam one and that's already been deleted).

I wondered if they have some new type of software that could do that type of thing, kind of advanced spamming, maybe even do confidence tricks.

People remember the same words on another forum, great memory? Or what's going on... Some guy who speaks English maybe in China or very advanced auto spamming?

Posts: 8146

Lpgc wrote:

People remember the same words on another forum, great memory?

Most of us still have a read of the other side just to have a chuckle at the duff advice given out by the admin over there. The thread, complete with identical title, is still current with the latest post in the last day. If you don't remember the same thread and title after a few hours, the Alzheimer's really is setting in.....

Posts: 1228

His other post I found in another thread under a different username on rr.net along with this one. This one the actual OP had already worked out - his radiator had not been cleaned out...

I deleted the other thread because it was babbling on about some aftermarket warranty service.

Posts: 1307

I think you can get in and ban users - you just have to go into the user list to do it, rather than from the forum topic...

That thread title did make me wonder a bit... and niggled at me that I'd seen it somewhere before... but then this is the first time I've been on here either today, or the last couple of days...

Posts: 8146

Martyuk wrote:

I think you can get in and ban users - you just have to go into the user list to do it, rather than from the forum topic...

Just tried it, It looks like a mod can't ban users, only admin so that is down to Gordon. However, he came back online 14 minutes ago so stand by for more spam posts.......

Posts: 2448

Gilbert, you should email the toad and warn him of the spammer linking to other, potentially harmful, websites. All in the spirit of the Range Rover brotherhood, of course 😀

Posts: 8146

Hmmm, that might be interesting.

Posts: 2312

Except of course that the original post in Toads place didn't have the spam hyperlink in, so nothing to warn him about