The only place for a coil spring is up Zebedee's arse
Posts: 245

Well I fixed my leaking oil cooler today! I had to move the airbox out of the way so I suspect that when I moved it I must have done something to the air drying unit without noticing it. I started the car up and suspension was on the lowest, I left it on normal setting. Left the door open and went inside for 15 mins thinking the air tank would be full when I came back. Nope nothing. Went for a very slow and uncomfortable drive with nano attached no faults showing. When I got home the compressor was too hot to touch so I guess that is working! Dark now but will get the soapy solution on it tomorrow when it's light and try and chase this down.

These cars are physic as I thought that I'd buy a full EAS o ring kit and do a full service. The car obviously picked up these thoughts and decided to help me along!

Posts: 2312

Just check the airline connections in/ out of the EAS dryer (top and bottom). It's bolted to the airbox so you've likely just pulled one out.

Posts: 245

Will do, cheers :-)

Posts: 245

EAS v3 is still free, download from Sourceforge EAS v3

Posts: 8113

Still free on the RSW website even if it is well hidden and not accessible from the menu http://www.rswsolutions.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=53&Itemid=56 and there's even instructions on how to make the cable rather than buying one for £20 or so from eBay http://www.rswsolutions.com/index.php/p38a-eas-unlock-videos/167-range-rover-p38a-making-the-eas-serial-cable although it will cost you a bit for a plug https://uk.rs-online.com/web/p/automotive-connectors/8010991/ or https://www.ebay.co.uk/i/262782690314 unless you have one kicking around from a dead OBD reader.

Posts: 2448

He has a nanocom...

Anyway, wet your finger and check round the top and bottom lines on the dryer. You might feel a leak. Either way, ram the lines in to see if it stops a leak.

Posts: 245

I have just checked the air lines and no bubbles appearing from anywhere. The compressor is working. I have to go shopping now so I'll get back to it later.

I'll check the air output from the compressor with my finger later. The car has settled right to the stops overnight, 50ish mm height on all sensors now. But at least the oil leak has stopped!

Posts: 245

I have air coming out of the compressor. No leaks that are showing on the soapy spray test.
I need wise sages advice now.

I'm going to get a compressor overhaul kit, valve block o ring kit (if they still do them) and desiccant dryer kit. Is there anything else I might need to do these jobs? I might as well now I'm at this point! Changing the air bags will be next, the car came with 3 spares, just need a front one.

I may be pee-ing up the wrong tree but if air is leaving the compressor then I'm guessing that the air tank is being filled. I can't hear air coming out of the valve block. I did depressurise it using EAS unlock. That would have me believe that it could be either a faulty inlet valve or the exhaust valve. Or am I completely wrong? Has anyone got any ideas please?

My generic OBD II cable (usb) works with EAS unlock - just set it to com port 5

Posts: 805

Unscrew the silencer and see if air is coming out when the compressor is running. The diaphragm valve may have split.

Posts: 245

All my bits arrived today so tear down and rebuilds start tomorrow. I'll check the old diaphragm while I'm at it.
I've seen youtube videos and it doesn't look too hard, just fiddly and time consuming. Wish me luck!

Posts: 2448

I did it! You'll be fine :)

Posts: 245

I followed this sites info - very good too! Paul P38a and an RSW youtube video for the compressor, I couldn't listen to the X8R he's too quiet and doesn't exactly enthuse you to listen all the way through, so I didn't.

So that's taken me 6 hours to overhaul the air dryer, valve block and compressor. The compressor piston skirt was completely split on one side and someone previously had repaired it with a nice o ring!

I'll fit it all tomorrow and test it - fingers crossed!

As Zebedee said Boing! It's time for bed!

Posts: 2312

I'm told that some compressors do have an O ring in conjunction with the piston seal. so what you found might be original. I've done a few compressors and never had one, but there are detail variations out there- brass or steel securing rings for instance.

Posts: 245

Ah ok. Well I tested the compressor today and lots more air pressure coming out of it now. Result! I'll refit an o ring next time I have a problem.

However one thing I have found. Not one supplier of EAS o ring kits has the square o rings for the solenoid covers, I only had one fitted, all the rest are missing. I have mate that works in o rings so I am going to see if he can make the square ones and the ones that separate the parts of the compressor.
I have also had to swap out all the outer o rings on the bottom of each solenoid as they don't seal - bubble checked them. Luckily I had a box of Lidle o rings and they DO fit.

I'm letting the liquid gasket cure over night and re installing again tomorrow :-D I do seem to love a challenge hahaha

Posts: 2448

Mine was the same - only one square-ring thing. Was there only one fitted from the factory? Because if so, I don't rate the odds of me having put it back on the right one...

Posts: 245

I'm not sure, the only one that had a square ring was the exhaust solenoid, the one that faces the other way from the others on the top row.

I'll find out tomorrow when it's fitted and bubble spray it. It's strange that the housing is as the Royal Navy say "fitted for, but not with" but I can't find anything definitive either way. All I can say is that the replacement o rings from the kit didn't seal once tightened up.
My car wouldn't lift so I manually inflated the bags to check the NRV's and solenoid seals. I noticed that not only did I have bubbles galore but that I installed the exhaust solenoid backwards. Eeek. All sorted now though

Posts: 1307

The only one with a square o ring is the diaphragm solenoid at the back of the valve block.

All the others should seal up with the round o-rings on the top of the solenoid.

If you've gone with the orange o-rings, then no they don't seal properly. Kits with standard black o-rings seem to seal better, but even they appear to vary between supplier.

Posts: 2448

I'm mostly sure that I put it back on the same one it came off, mostly.....

Fitted For but not With. Nice one.
I think I've got more chance of fitting a catapult to my P38 than to a RN Carrier!

Posts: 245

Well I do know that the QE & PoW should have been built with the ducting and channels in the deck for cats & traps, I saw some design drawings while I worked for a defence contractor. But it's not like we can't retro fit them. I have a very sad interest in aircraft carriers and our Fleet Air Arm and used to love watching the F14's as they were being thrown from the Nimitz and JFK.

Well the EAS is now fitted and I'm waiting (fingers x'd) for the tank to fill......

Posts: 331

and is it?? Maybe not cos I think you're twiddling with it instead of reporting back.