The only place for a coil spring is up Zebedee's arse
Posts: 384

Aloha all,
I posted this on the "Other" forum, so sorry if you are seeing it twice......
Looking forward to hearing the difference in brake parts!
Also, Any issues with basic EBC rotors and Ultimax 2 pads?
Here's the link.....

I have been searching for the last week for someone who can sell me rotors that are not Chinese knock offs.
Frustrating experience!
I am about to buy some Brit made EBC rotors and pads for the Borrrego, and came across an interesting question.
The place I am looking (TH Motorsports) lists brake parts as for:
Position: Front
w/ 4 Engine VIN
Position: Front
w/ 6 Engine VIN

Same thing for rears.

The same kit with slightly different part numbers is a bit more $$ for the 6 Vin........

I was under the impression that the brakes were the same from 95-02?
Anycl ue as to what they are concerned with the engine vin for? I assume this is either a Bosh / Gems thing, or a 4.0 / 4.6 thing........
Looking forward to learning something new!

Posts: 1327

When you look at the listing, there saying it’s only different on 2002 , so the last ones, the difference being .2 of an inch, depending on chassis number.
Certainly something that I didn’t know.

Posts: 384

Thanks for the quick response.
A bit of digging on their site,and I found the difference.
The "6 Vin" parts are for Disco.
Odd, since I thought the Disco used the same brake parts as well?
Learn sommit new every day!

Posts: 222

Not sure but I have heard horror stories about noisy brakes with EBC Brake pads and disks

Posts: 384

Well, I will report back when I have installed them......Just ordered, as the front rotors I am on now are kinda scary looking!
At the very least, I have been assured the rotors are as advertised, and UK build, not China.
Nothing fancy here, and if the pads are noisy? Pretty easy to change. I used these pads on my 02 in Hawaii, and liked them.
Any horror stories are appreciated however!

Posts: 2448

I've got EBC green and their slotted/dimpled discs on the front.excellent so far (must be nearly 10k) with no squeal.
Nowhere near the cheapest, but you knew that.

Posts: 1310

I have the drilled/slotted discs, and I put EBC Ultimax pads on and had squeal for a long time - still get it occasionally... I'm going to swap to Mintex pads the next time, but the discs seem pretty good.

Posts: 2312

I found EBC very squeally on light braking and the dust they generated was excessive. No issues with their braking performance, except requiring a bit more pedal pressure when cold.
Mintex discs and pads all round on both of mine now. Lovely pedal feel, no squeal and have never had any issues with fade. Still get dust though, but I guess that's the price to pay for driving a 2 tonne car enthusiastically.

Posts: 665

I lucked into a set of Land Rover original disks at £10 each a couple of years back. Wallet came out smoking and they went into store. Fitted last year with Mintex pads and the just work. Effective stopping, no noise, no squeals. Do a great job of convincing that the car is over braked as standard (unless you have that 3 ton trailer on the back I guess.)

When it comes to brakes I like the nice warm fuzzy feeling that the folk who make stuff know what they are doing you get when things just work. Which you don't get with EBC and all the other wunderkids on the block. Endless reports of squeals, noise, smell et al on simple "to the book" road car fitments says, to me, that they haven't a clue. Maybe race developed and good on track, but I still wonder.

Surprising how metallurgically sophisticated cast iron brake disks are too. For example http://foundrygate.com/upload/artigos/Cast%20iron%20brake%20discs%20-%20a%20brief%20history%20of%20their%20development%20and%20metallurgy.pdf , crappy print but readable.


Posts: 2448

Orangebean, were they Greenstuff or Ultimax? (or some other colour?)

Posts: 2312

Ultimax (I think)

Posts: 2448

It seems pretty unanimous that EBC Ultimax are pants, then. I like the Greens.
I've had mintex on lots of other cars and they're good pads too. Also Pagid.

Posts: 384

Well, thanks for all the input.
We will see how the EBC UM 2s work here in California.......I believe I have Greens or Yellows on my 02 in Hawaii, and they are great.
If they are noisy? they are quick and cheap to replace.
I will certainly update the thread as the situation warrants.

Posts: 2448

Turns out it was 25k
Time for some new ones!

Posts: 384

Update on the pads and rotors.......
It took the shipper a extra week to get them to me, but now I have them on, and have done about 4k miles with them, I have to say I am very happy with them! As far as the rumored noise goes? Not a single peep from them. Dust is no more than normal
I gave them a proper bedding in around town and have done 4 round trips to the San Francisco bay area in the last month, each about 800miles RT.
Zero issues with noise, or fade after a couple of 95mph to zero quick stops! (I-5 through central Calif is NUTS to drive!)

Off topic, but the Borrego has also had exactly Zero issues in lots of mixed driving in the last 3 months! Averaging 19.8 Mpg with a lot of 85-90mph stretches. (And those are the small USA Gallons! :) Just gotta get to my parts stash in Hawaii and get the needed bits for EAS.

Posts: 2448

Good to hear it :)
The greens are on The Duchess now, not bedded in yet but Mrs Morat is taking it easy (she claims!)

I'm looking for a set of greens for my Jeep but they seem to only be available in the US. It turns out that EBC have factories in UK and USA.