The only place for a coil spring is up Zebedee's arse
Posts: 2312

There's been a lot of chatter around various forums about LPG availability recently, with quite a few of the outlets being out of gas, due to an inability to get supplies from the refineries.
Other half went into the last remaining outlet (most of the original 5 within 20 miles of me have now closed) reasonably close to me, to gas up her P38 en-route on a cross- country trip and was told they were down to their last 500 Litres and weren't expecting another delivery for "3-4 weeks" due to a "refinery fire".
Had a look at FillLPG and a large number of outlets in the south now have red Xs- temporarily unavailable- flags.
Anyone actually know what's going on with supply? Is Big Brother killing off LPG by stealth?
Thoughts anyone?

Posts: 8165

I suspect it's down to the cold weather and people needing LPG for home heating. I had to wait over a week for a delivery of heating oil despite phoning two days after placing the order and telling them I'd run out. They couldn't bring the delivery forward as demand was so high. I would think it's much the same with LPG, they make more profit on home heating supplies than garage forecourt sales so prioritise those.

Posts: 1141

Orangebean wrote:

There's been a lot of chatter around various forums about LPG availability recently, with quite a few of the outlets being out of gas, due to an inability to get supplies from the refineries.
Other half went into the last remaining outlet (most of the original 5 within 20 miles of me have now closed) reasonably close to me, to gas up her P38 en-route on a cross- country trip and was told they were down to their last 500 Litres and weren't expecting another delivery for "3-4 weeks" due to a "refinery fire".
Had a look at FillLPG and a large number of outlets in the south now have red Xs- temporarily unavailable- flags.
Anyone actually know what's going on with supply? Is Big Brother killing off LPG by stealth?
Thoughts anyone?

It seems fairly random - All the local stations here are out, but I've filled up at Asda Derby on Friday that was flagged as out on filllpg. There does seem to actually be a possible supply issue - see > https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/temporary-relaxation-of-the-enforcement-of-drivers-hours-and-working-time-rules-delivery-of-lpg/extension-to-temporary-relaxation-of-the-enforcement-of-drivers-hours-and-working-time-rules-delivery-of-lpg

Posts: 2448

Good spot!
Even Asda is out in York now. The Duchess is now drinking the expensive stuff until supplies get through 🤤

Posts: 784

Maybe it's on the same truck as the KFC chicken.

Posts: 2312

None available in my little corner of the world now. Other half emptied out the last 110 litres that she'd put in, on her weekend jolly, so both P38s running on the yellow stuff.
Only plus I can see is that it'll give the fuel trims a chance to drift back to where they should be- assuming they've drifted out in the first place.

Posts: 8165

I've had to fill up three times over the weekend and the only one I found out was one in Luton (after dropping a friend off at the airport), but another one less than a couple of miles away had supplies. The services on the A1(M) have LPG too but all of these are Shell and I believe it's mainly the Flogas supplied ones that are out.

Posts: 591

I tried to fill up in Asda Govan on Saturday afternoon but they were out. Never thought anything of it until I read this. Haven't looked to see if they've got it back in again yet though.


Posts: 805

Yeah, they were out when I came down to yours on Sunday. I ended up sticking 20 quid in at rob-you-blind Shell. Morrisons all seem okay.

Posts: 995

Orangebean wrote:

Is Big Brother killing off LPG by stealth?
Thoughts anyone?

Is there any reason to think they are going to kill off LPG?

I've been discussing having mine converted with someone but if there are rumours of the end of LPG coming I'm not sure it's money well spent.

Posts: 8165

No, I filled up at Flogas just down the road from where you work and asked them what was going on. There was an explosion at a refinery in Austria just before Christmas which has reduced supply. They reckon that wouldn't normally be a problem but with the cold weather they are flat out delivering to household customers using LPG for heating which they are obliged to treat as a priority. It wouldn't look good if pensioners started dying of hypothermia as they had no heating because the drivers are spending all their time at filling stations so we can run around in our V8 powered motors on cheap fuel. The guy there said that although filling a bulk tank is quicker than using the pump at a filling station, it still isn't quick so when they have multiple domestic customers and limits on their driving hours, the punter takes priority.

Posts: 1141

Gilbertd wrote:

No, I filled up at Flogas just down the road from where you work and asked them what was going on. There was an explosion at a refinery in Austria just before Christmas which has reduced supply. They reckon that wouldn't normally be a problem but with the cold weather they are flat out delivering to household customers using LPG for heating which they are obliged to treat as a priority. It wouldn't look good if pensioners started dying of hypothermia as they had no heating because the drivers are spending all their time at filling stations so we can run around in our V8 powered motors on cheap fuel. The guy there said that although filling a bulk tank is quicker than using the pump at a filling station, it still isn't quick so when they have multiple domestic customers and limits on their driving hours, the punter takes priority.

As you said earlier the Calor supplied stations (most but not all Shell ones) seem to have less of a problem, although they are running out as none of the Flogas ones have any at all round here (most of the BP ones that still have gas, the Shell stations that used to be Total, ASDA, Sainsburys, Morissons etc) Shell Leadenhall has had some for the last few days now, so have been topping up when I've been past there.

Posts: 2448

I've found a supply in Malton, the garage I had previously avoided for years since it charged 75p has dropped its price to 65p which is too much but still cheaper than petrol!

Posts: 1141

Looks like the problem is starting to settle down now - https://www.calor.co.uk/calor-delivery-update-2018

Have noticed a lot of the places that do have it have hiked their prices upto 79.9 going by filllpg now though.

Posts: 8165

It's finally made the mainstream press http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-43619732

Posts: 2312

Nothing within a 50 mile radius of me now.
Our BBC local news were all over the domestic LPG supply shortage a couple of weeks ago, but have gone quiet now.

Posts: 1327

50 miles,, Jeez, I moan at going a few miles, only one station in my town, they just refurbed Sainsburys and didn’t put lpg in,, big mistake, would of cornered the market here.

Posts: 1228

This is getting pretty annoying now. None of my local three have had any for ages - or if they do its gone in a day. One currently has it but has pushed the price up, and knowing them it won't come back down again.

Posts: 2312

From a quick scan across the app, it looks like Morrisons are the only places in the SW to have any.

Posts: 2448

Our local mega-ASDA had it back in stock at 53.7p so I filled up and then updated FillLPG to show it available again. They sold out in three days despite getting two deliveries!