Okay, so having ordered, paid and never received a damn thing from the good Doctor, apart from a litany of useless excuses (of course, that could just be me, RRTH would probably say that his bestest mate pissing off with somebody's money is no harm), my interior still needs sorting out.
There's all sorts of bits I need, e.g., instrument binnacle, rear carpet finishers, transmission tunnel side trims, all sorts. More to the point, all sorts I simply cannot get here.
Anyone up for receiving a shopping list, sourcing and a courier? Ideally a job lot from a single breakers for ease.
Lots of places have got 'some' bits, but not all, so then it becomes an expensive mix 'n' match enterprise, shipping each part and, more to the point, paying whatever made up duty they feel like on each bit. A single ship would work out a lot cheaper. It's all plastic bits, no weight, just bulk.
Happy to pay all costs, plus a (good) few beers, by direct bank transfer before shipping.
Interior is G (Tan) as fitted to the early Epsom Green 4.6 HSE.
Ta ever, ever so.