The only place for a coil spring is up Zebedee's arse
Posts: 5

hi guys,

i happened upon this website while googling a certain turd faced cock gobbler, after an altercation over on rangerovers.net

i'm glad i'm not the only one !

yesterday i removed the coils from my 99 and refitted bags and different shocks. today i get to see whether it all works... fingers crossed.

Posts: 1327

Another forced member, lol, at the rate RRTH will get us extremely busy..
welcome mpwdhc,, hope all goes well and it lifts up,,

Posts: 720

Welcome mpwdhc: But RRTH probably likes your (amusing but very accurate) description of him....
( I think his plan now is simply to remove all non-americans from rrs.net; Yes he is 'racist' too....!)

If your bags do misbehave today at least you are definitely in the right/best place now for real advice...
I have only ridden in a spring P38 once and felt distinctly sea-sick....

Posts: 2426

Welcome and good luck! :)

Posts: 7860

I saw the thread title and expected it to be a subject for my morning spam deleting session but no, a genuine post. As a very successful businessman once said to me, I don't need to advertise, my competitors give me all the work I can handle. If we get a club area at Billing at the end of June, we may well recruit a few more members on here too. But as for RRTH, despite my lifetime ban and the statement that I wouldn't be able to register on there ever again as they had logged my IP address, I've registered on there with 2 more usernames. It was me that posted the info on the trimmer pots in the back of the instrument cluster in your temp gauge thread. I also contradicted him in Haggisbiker's thread about getting the radio code but didn't get the expected bollocking and post deletion, he just waffled on about some old dog he recently bought. Anyone else posting about anything other than a Range Rover would get their post deleted......

Posts: 5

years ago i was quite active on a predominantly american jaguar forum (run by a european) and it always struck me how ridiculous it was that the yanks tried to make it all about themselves at the exclusion of others from elsewhere, including the motherland. similar personalities to the turd faced cock gobbler, too - and it is pointless having notions of taking them on, etc... my partner at the time and i were in our very early 20's with much time to spare, and we had quite an entertaining time baiting them, but all these years later, i see life is too short, and their ears are sealed shut, anyway.

it is interesting how the americans try to own what isn't theirs. the English language is a prime example. but that's another topic entirely.