The only place for a coil spring is up Zebedee's arse
Posts: 316

Well Gilbert and Dave are brilliant - you really know your stuff - but do you realise that the rest of us are going to have to keep the P38's on the road now and make them Classics otherwise all your knowledge will be wasted !!
Yes I found the GEMs by Poole the other day and posted it on another topic.

Posts: 725

That's kind super4 but 'Gilbert' deserves that accolade not I - and of course I didn't even notice you had already posted up the Poole link !

The nearest I got to 'brilliant' with a P38 was to devise a method to turn off the SRS light on my early rig (in part encouraged by Storey's work with the EAS): I used software intended for - wait for it - Alpha Romeo cars of a similar vintage; Yes, I could turn the light off ... but only with the PC still connected; FAIL !!

If manufacturers could be 'persuaded' (eg, forced by law) to release electrical details of cars after (say) 20 years ther would be even more classics around: Plus we may actually Save The Planet like that rather than panicking about plastic straws up turtles' noses and other nonsense... better stop there....

Posts: 8043

super4 wrote:

but do you realise that the rest of us are going to have to keep the P38's on the road now and make them Classics otherwise all your knowledge will be wasted !!

I got asked how old my car was last week when going through security at Dover port. "20 years" was my reply, "and how long do you intend keeping it?", "at least another 20 years", so mine at the very least will be a classic. The knowledge I've picked up over the years will help me, even if I've got the only P38 left by then......

Posts: 1081

I intend to keep mine forever.

I'm willing to bet it'll be buried with me ;)

Also intend to have a P38 collection XD


1 My current P38

2 Bonatti grey Vogue SE

3 An early CVC 4.0 manual

4 Overfinch 630r

Hmm i can dream lol

Posts: 316

Right experts - should I change my petrol filter on my P38 Petrol/LPG - the one that is underneath in the fuel pipe ? Car has done about 125k. I changed the little LPG one and it was so blocked it was impossible to blow through. Could this be causing my lack of acceleration/power under load problem which gets worse as engine gets hot - although by then it has switched to LPG.

Posts: 1141

As long as you can get it undone without breaking anything in the process there is no harm in doing it. When I've swapped them before on LPG cars the stuff that comes out of them has been rather horrible looking, though that might be the case with them without the LPG aspect as its rare they get changed.

Posts: 316

Yes - I'm worried about breaking something up here on the moutain but surely after all that time it must be nearly blocked ? What have I to be careful of when taking off - connectors and pipes ?

Posts: 8043

Both, you've got steel unions and an alloy filter and they can be a real pain to undo. However, worst case is to make sure you have a length of 8mm ID fuel hose and a couple of decent quality hose clips to hand. Then if you do break something you can just chop the pipes and link them with hose.

Posts: 316

Thanks Gilbert - I assumed it was a replacement job but is it possible to just clean the petrol filter ? Or is it good to have a replacement in case some part breaks ?

Posts: 8043

It can't be cleaned, it's an alloy tube with the filter element inside and a screw union on each end.