The only place for a coil spring is up Zebedee's arse
Posts: 1141

Admiral appear to be fairly consistent. They can be a PITA about lpg, it's usually fine if you get someone who actually knows what they are talking about though.

Posts: 1371

All reports from my customers who used Admiral used to point to them being a stickler about UKLPG database registration but an increasing proportion of their customers are telling me they're not asking for database registration.

Posts: 316

Shhhhhh !

Posts: 2448

I've registered both LPG vehicles with the LPG people and the DVLA, not quite sure why.

Posts: 1310

I've been with Admiral since I bought the RR. I declared it as having LPG but never been asked about it being on a register etc.

That was 7 1/2 years ago though!

Posts: 1141

I've had 5 LPG cars over several years with Admiral, 2 they haven't asked for anything on, 1 they asked for database registration for and put it on with that with nothing further, 1 on the first call wanted a uklpg registration (a problem as the car didn't have one at the time though did have a certificate for it but it turned out not one that would give a database registration) but just put it straight on when phoned for the second time, and the other one the first phone call to try and sort it (when it had a database registration) got answered by a clueless idiot who clearly didn't understand what he was even asking for as he just kept asking for documents but couldn't even tell me which documents he wanted (I had the database registration, and the tank cert but he didn't seem to know at all what was needed).

I've tried asking them for a straight answer as to what they want, but never succeeded in getting one.

Posts: 316

As a follow up my first Admiral renewal has gone down in price by a few pounds in the month ( like the old days when you were good) so - pleased with them !