The only place for a coil spring is up Zebedee's arse
Posts: 995

That's odd.

When I log in there no posts in any forum since a few days ago!

I managed to create a new account in the end and there's no recent posts on that account either.

Posts: 8058

Seems like Marty is the ONLY person who can post. His two and one from a new member from the early hours of yesterday morning are the only new posts.

Posts: 1352

I just became a member on the other forum... thought I already was (from years ago) but went to log in and found I couldn't, no emails from the .net site either,

I do have to have to have posts approved but that's to be expected for a new user. Will see in time if posts no longer have to be approved. Different username to the one I use here but an obvious one to most of you lot.

Posts: 8058

I registered my alternative username on there, sent a couple of posts which had to be approved then didn't use it for a long time. When I next tried to use it, posts didn't need to be approved so it obviously works on post count and time, leave it long enough and they don't need approval.

Posts: 781

I have just made a post under general chatter asking if it is a new rule change.
Have to wait and see if I get a reply.

Posts: 8058

It isn't visible though......

Posts: 371

Just tried a post. As of right now, seems to be instant for me.
In the last few weeks, there have been several times I have seen that the last post shown on the right side, is not the last post on the thread. Quite a
delay for some to show up. Possibly there is a "White list" and all others need to be moderated?
I have noticed that over the last 6 months or so, that TH has gone from very present to very vaguely present, with somewhat incoherent posts, to virtually non existent.
As much as he can tend to be a bit "Heavy handed" when he perceives he has been provoked, I do hope he is ok?

Posts: 8058

Seems they had a problem so we were too quick to accuse. I started a thread in the Community Help forum (which took 2 days to appear) and RRH seems to be interacting with someone who appears to have fixed it, see https://www.rangerovers.net/forum/46-community-help/337338-posts-held-checking-mods.html

Posts: 371

Good to see Toadie is still with us!
Odd sort of issue 'tho.

Posts: 8058

Jeeezus!!! Has anyone looked at it recently? There was an announcement that it was updating but how horrible can they make it look? There's not even an option to make it look like a forum again......

Posts: 371

Yea, It looks pretty bad, but HEY! you are the top dog this month!
Ever wonder if possibly you have too much spare time?

Posts: 371

Had a closer look................It is absolutely HIDEOUS!!!!!!
You get "Trophies" if you are liked enough, or just plain prolific!
I do not do Facebook, tweeter or any of the social media crap, and this just Oozes Social media now, so as we say in Hawaii:
Au Hui Hou!.......See ya at the Pub!
Thanks for opening the door to a grumpy old Yank!

Heck! the worst part is Richard has 16 points, and I have twice as many posts, and I got Zip!
Call that fair???
Who's Toadies little pet???

Posts: 8058

I bet I wouldn't be if he realised he banned my other username for life. At least when eBay and Gmail did their revamps, they give the option to switch to 'Classic' view.

Spare time? That's what comes of working from home a couple of days a week and sitting here with two laptops.

Posts: 371

Well that explains why you are online as much as you are.......
For the first 4 years I was on the Forum, I worked from home 7 days a week, 12 hours a day.....LOTS of time to read and post!
Now that I am actually retired, I certainly have more time, however, sadly, I will not be spending it on the cartoon circus that .net has suddenly become.
I believe they have also eliminated the Common repairs, shortcuts and specs that have been so meticuliously collected over the years. A true shame.
Whose 8 year old did the design for that heap of crap site? I can't believe someone actually thought it was good enough to use!
I will probably post a farewell message, but I bet ya a beer it will be removed pretty fast! (May have to post after TH has gone to bed)

Posts: 8058

You're right, clicking on my bookmarked link to the P38 Common Issues page takes me to the main page on the new site, as does any other useful pages. Years and years of useful information on how to do fusebox repairs, building the attenuators for fitting an aftermarket stereo, shortcuts to changing blend motors, heater O rings, etc, all bookmarked and now all going to the forum front page.

I found posting early in the morning here meant that RRTH was in bed so posts would at least exist for a few hours......

I'll be properly retired in 7 months and 28 days (not that I'm counting of course) but I'll probably be far too busy doing the things I don't have time to do now to spend time here then.

Posts: 661

Just popped over to see what all the fuss was about.

Oh Barf, doubled, in technicolour.

They just redefined seriously, impossibly, unbelievably bad. With multiple McEnroes. Makes Yahoo groups as is now look wonderful.

Seriously pissed that I didn't follow through and scrape the technical contents when tempted a while back.

Would the Wayback Machine be able to find any of the useful stuff?


Posts: 371

An understated response to be sure! (like the technicolour bit!)
Richard is doing a great job on the Toad, has him on the ropes about search......
I just posted a "Farewell" to the site. Bet it's gone really quick!
If they actually read it before deleting it, maybe they will think a bit more and open a link to the archives?
Who knows?
I need a beer!
HEY! just had a brainwave! They offer points.......Could .pub offer Pints? (Just kidding....Change nothing! Drop the mouse and step away from the keyboard)

Posts: 731

Ouch.... just took a look... (whilst wearing shades, just in case...)

Not quite sure just how this means they have now become a 'Community'... Is it because all my neighbours can read it all from 30 feet away ?

I may be mistaken but their 'Admin' seems to have Toad's 'measure' too (?)

Can't wait for the 3-D Surround-Sound Version either.....

Posts: 805

Can you get to the old information via archive.org?

Posts: 82


From 16 June 2019 - Oh sooooo much better. Progress!