The only place for a coil spring is up Zebedee's arse
Posts: 681

I stumbled on this site a few weeks ago when I was trying to search a door latch issue on .net. Since then I've read through a fair percentage of the threads here, and I'd like to join. Many of the posts seem to be from people that I've found to be most helpful at .net where I've gleaned a wealth of knowledge. I've had my P38 for 2 years now. I've had quite a few vehicles throughout my life and my P38 has been my favourite to drive both on and off road. For the first year, it was probably my least trouble free car (second only to my first year with my 1963 Series 2A, which I've had for 25 years now), but I've got most of the issues sorted now. I'm an aircraft mechanic by trade so I'm not afraid of most mechanical or electrical issues, though I'm not as good with electronics. I'm not the guy with a wealth of P38 knowledge, but hopefully I can offer some helpful advice on occasion.

Posts: 2448

Welcome Harv! I fear your standards may be a little high but it'll be great to have you around :)

Posts: 681

Thanks Morat. I suspect my standards aren't higher than a lot of the folks here. I'm looking forward to being around.

Posts: 810

yep, welcome

Posts: 8165

Only the first year? For the first 2 years of owning mine I didn't trust it as far as I could throw it! But, once sorted, and with a bit of preventative maintenance, they should go on forever. I'm up to 381,000 miles in mine now.......

Posts: 681

Cool. I have about 165,000 km on mine now and was hoping for another 20 years out of it, as long as they let me keep driving that long.

Posts: 501

Mine is at 218,000 miles.

Welcome aboard Harv