The only place for a coil spring is up Zebedee's arse
Posts: 23

Hi everyone,
Ive recently bought a p38 and hope to improve it and learn about them. My main problem is I cant start the car without using the EKA code. Ive tried using the methods Ive read about and still no luck. My fob is lighting up when the buttons are pressed but does look like its had some fiddling done to it, theres a cable tie round it. Ime in Silsden bd20 west yorkshire. is there anybody who could sort this for me, obviously Ime happy to pay to get it sorted but have been quoted £188 plus vat for a new key and a coding charge on top of that.
Regards, Frank.

Posts: 8165

Hi Frank, you made it here. If the fob lights, then it might actually be working and just needs to be synced using the method I outlined on the other side. If the car was locked with the fob and unlocked with the key, it will then need the EKA entering. If it is locked with the key, then unlocked with the key, it won't. So you need to get it unlocked with the fob then you can lock or unlock with either. You say the fob lights up. Does it just light up when you press a button or does it flash? It should flash 3 or 4 times then start flashing faster. I've come across a faulty fob where the light just came on all the time a button was pressed, that was down to a faulty switch in the fob..

Posts: 23

Hi again, yes I made it here. I tried the method you told me to the letter and the fob blinked and then blinked quicker like mentioned. But still no luck. Is it possible to take the immobiliser off with nanocom? Just something I read when browsing.
Also when I unlock on the key the passenger door latch doesn't jump up, could this be the cause of all my woes?

Posts: 810

Hi Frank, On some of the younger P38s you can unlock with Nano. eg my 1998 GEMs can. Do you have (access to) a nano?

I also got a car with only one fob (admittedly it did work properly), but then invested 150 quid or so to get a spare from a dealer. Since i'm rubbish with keys that has been indispensable. For you the expense is more existential ie you have no working fob, but shop around for a better deal eg my dealer did not make an extra charge for turning the lock a couple of times and synching the fob (that's just silly). If i were you I'd spend the money on a new one, and then tinker with the old one

Posts: 23

Hi Rob, no I don't have access to a nano but if anyone does near me that would be great. Mines an S reg so might work. Thanks.

Posts: 8165

Should do, it works on anything with a BeCM with firmware later than V36 which is around mid 97. You can enter the EKA with the Nano rather than using the key. Whether that will mean you can subsequently lock and unlock with the key and no longer have to enter the EKA, I've no idea. Marty or Sloth should be able to tell you.

With the Nano you can turn off passive immobilisation but what that does is stop it from immobilising itself again if you unlock but don't start the engine within a minute. You can also turn off the EKA but I've no idea what that does I'm afraid. It could mean that it doesn't ask for it but equally it could mean that it won't accept it when it asks for it.

Posts: 23

Ide be happy if I could get the immobiliser turned off as I darednt use the car for anything more than a quick trip round the block as I don't trust turning it off away from home.

Posts: 8165

The immobiliser can't be turned off, it is integral to the BeCM. You can get a device that over-rides it but it isn't cheap. You need to get the fob working and synced then you shouldn't have any problems.

Posts: 2448

Where were you quote £185? if that's inc VAT it's a lot cheaper than my local stealer who wanted about £100 more.
You're about 90 minutes west of me, once I get a misfire sorted out we could meet up with my nano?

Posts: 23

Hi Morat, thanks very much for your offer. I would love to take you up on this but at the moment Ime unable to walk or drive. Ime a floor layer and this morning was doing a job and something has gone in my knee, Ime in a lot of pain right now. Tha customer had to drive me home and I left my van at the customers house. Once Ime able to drive I would love you to take a look at it. Thank you very much.

Posts: 2448

Get well soon!
If you can possibly get one, get a new fob so you're able to use your P38 with confidence. We can sync it as long as the various bits are all working properly.
I'm not sure from your post whether you can start your car at the moment.
Are you locking with the key or the fob?
As I understand it you should be able to unlock with the key, enter the EKA using the door lock and then drive around just fine as long as you lock/unlock with the key only.

Posts: 8165

Not quite Morat. If it was originally locked with the fob and then unlocked with the key, it will need the EKA entering every time. If it can be unlocked with the fob, then it can be locked or unlocked with the key and won't ask for the EKA. Hopefully, once the EKA has been entered with the Nano, then it will possible to lock and unlock with the key without it asking for the EKA.

Posts: 2448

Gotcha :)

Posts: 23

Hi Morat, Ime mobile again enough to drive now, if the offer offer taking a look at my p38 is still open.
The situation at the mo is the key fob has new batteries and lights up but doesn't work with the car. I use the EKA in the door lock but this doesn't work ever time, Ime still trying to work out what Ime doing wrong. Do you think the nanocom would eradicate the need for the EKA and therefore would make the car usable?
Ime in Silsden near Skipton but would be happy to meet somewhere when you are free.
Thanks, Frank. 07946 846524.

Posts: 1141

The most likely problem there is that the switches in the door lock are playing up, so when your entering the EKA its not registering the correct number on each attempt.

Posts: 2448

I'm at work this weekend, sadly.
But can we confirm that entering the EKA with the nanocom and then using they key only for locking/unlocking will leave Frank even :) with a reliable workaround until he gets a new fob and probably driver's door latch assembly?

If so, I'll see when I'm next off and see what we can do. It won't be till well into Jan now I'm afraid.

Posts: 23

Ok no problem, speak to you after Christmas, have a good one, thanks.

Posts: 23

Lol! Thanks for the edit Morat.

Posts: 23

Hi again, re having to use the eka code all the time, could the problem be that the central locking doesn’t open all the doors when opened on the key. I think the doors do open but the buttons don’t jump up , if that makes any sense. I had a look at the receiver and the small wire was unplugged. Plugged that in and no difference. Have tried another one that I bought off eBay and that hasn’t sorted it either. Thanks, Frank.

Posts: 8165

Central locking won't trigger until it has had the EKA entered (the clue is in the name, Emergency Key Access), the key will only open the drivers door. If you enter the EKA and then turn the key to unlock, all doors will unlock, that's the easy way of knowing it has accepted the EKA and the car is going to start.

If you have reconnected the blue wire to the receiver, it now has an aerial on it so you may be able to sync the fob. You'll need to enter the EKA first (you can't sync while the immobiliser is active) and get it into the state where it will start. Then try syncing the fob using the key in the door lock, turn to lock, press and hold the fob lock button then repeat in the unlock position. If you are lucky, you'll then be able to unlock with the fob and after that you can lock and unlock with fob or lock and unlock with the key without having to enter the EKA. Remember that if Passive Immobilisation is still turned on in the BeCM, you need to start the car within 30 seconds of unlocking it.