The only place for a coil spring is up Zebedee's arse
Posts: 87

'Frank you could also get a (basic) key fob tester on e-bay for about £20'

Just to say that any high street locksmith would test that, usually for nothing FWIW

Posts: 23

Hi everyone. My car is the 2.5 diesel, is this still GEMS.? So if the EKA is entered with the nanocom could I use the key to unlock and start it without using the EKA code. That would suit me fine if so.. Thanks all for showing interest in this, Ime just gonna go and fit the new receiver now it’s stopped pouring down.

Posts: 8165

No, the diesel isn't GEMS. There's 3 different engine licences, GEMS (petrol up to 98), Thor/Motronic (petrol from 99) and EDC (diesel) but that only affects whether you can connect to the engine or not, you can still connect to all the other systems. I maintain a diesel in France and although my Nanocom only has the GEMS licence, I was still able to enter the EKA, turn off passive immobilisation, check the operation of the door latch switches and read and clear faults on the ABS and the HEVAC. So doing what needs doing on yours won't be a problem no matter what licence the Nano has.

Posts: 1141

Offer is still there if Wednesday works for you, unless Morat can manage to get to you instead at a more suitable time.

Posts: 23

Hi Brian, that would be great will pm you thanks.

Posts: 1141

Any thoughts on the door handle not allowing us to open the door? Trying to unlock causes the button to pop up, but the door will not open from outside?

Posts: 741

Does it open OK from inside Brian ?

-if not it sounds like a 'Superlocking' scenario; Frank has the original 'brabyn' files on this for reference if not familiar..

Posts: 23

Hi all, Brian has very kindly been round and at long last I now have a car that I can open and start without messing about with the EKA every time. Top Man Brian! I’ve tried it four times now and seems to work fine, fingers crossed. Thanks to everyone who helped in this, and especially the detailed way to do it. Frank.

Posts: 1141

davew wrote:

Does it open OK from inside Brian ?

-if not it sounds like a 'Superlocking' scenario; Frank has the original 'brabyn' files on this for reference if not familiar..

It did seem like a super locking issue to me, we managed to get in through the boot in the end and work from there. Personally I think snipping the super locking door wires would be a wise idea and have recommended he looks on here as I know it's been posted about before. It also looks to me like the door latch in the drivers door has a dodgy switch, as it sometimes registered, but not every time by the looks of what we could see.

Cheers for the instructions Richard, took a couple of goes to get the right sequence but got there in the end and at least Frank can now drive it and lock off the key only until he gets it fixed.

Posts: 1141

We did also get it open from inside, missed that bit of the original question. Open boot, put seats down, open back door which was locked then open front from inner handle

Posts: 8165

Although it can now be locked and unlocked with the key without the need for the EKA, it is still possible that you will be locked out with intermittent microswitches in the latch. For instance, if the CDL switch works and the keyswitch doesn't, then you unlock it and it only detects a change of state on the CDL and not the keyswitch, so it thinks you have smashed a window and unlocked it by pulling up the button. If it thinks that, it won't turn off the immobiliser and you'll be back in the state you were before. So it is pretty vital that you get the latch switches working. If you can get the fob working then it doesn't matter as much as the signal from the fob does the work not the mechanical switches. Ordinarily I would suggest getting in touch with Marty to get one of his refurbed latches with new switches but he seems to be away a lot at the moment (any idea where he is Sloth? Last I saw of him he was in Canada) so that may not be an option.

Otherwise you could do what I did with mine. I found my keyswitch was intermittent when the fob wouldn't work and I tried to use the key to unlock. Fortunately I could enter the EKA with the Nano, re-sync the fob and carry on but I knew I had to do something about the latch switches. The latches are the same as the MGF and just as expensive however, Rimmers seem to have a glut of LH latches for LHD MGFs which they are flogging off cheap. I bought one of those, took it apart and removed the microswitches, locking motor and superlocking motor and fitted them into my RH, RHD latch. So I've got brand new switches and motors in the original latch. The MGF one you need is this https://rimmerbros.com/Item--i-FQJ102292PMA

Posts: 1141

Frank - The above is a much better explanation of what I was saying earlier - don't view this as a permanent fix without doing some more work to it one way or another.

Also on the passenger door handle, this thread may help

On the drivers door lock not wanting to open, I'd guess its superlocking causing that headache somehow, so if/when you start looking in that door, have a read through this post on that and decide for yourself

Richard - The field called "immobiliser" on Nanocom I would take it to be the passive immobilisation setting? Can't remember offhand which of the menus it was in now, but thats the only thing that looked close (we turned it off as it seemed the most sensible course to follow given what it was doing)

Posts: 8165

Yes, immobiliser in the BeCM security settings menu is the one that turns off passive immobilisation when set to disabled. There's also one that is EKA enabled or disabled but without knowing what it does I've never dared change it. If disabled it might mean it never asks for the EKA or it might mean it won't accept it when it's needed and I don't want to risk trying it to find out!

Posts: 1141

Might be an idea to ask bbs on their forum about that aka setting. We left that one well alone for the same reason. Passive immobilization is off now then.

Posts: 810

I've posted to the BECM section. Feel free to add there to the framing of the question... but BBS are not the fastest to respond

Posts: 23

Hi again. OK I appreciate this isn’t a long term fix and the latches and or the fob need sorting. Will just bask in the glory of being able to enter and start it easily for a day or two and then create my next plan.

Posts: 8165

Frank, postman just returned my spare receiver thanks, assume it made no difference? Your best bet now is to get a key blade cut so you can use that and get the fob and original blade sent off to the guy that refurbs them.

Posts: 23

Hi Richard, I’m thinking of getting a new key and fob now soon from land rover. Could the situation arise where I buy one and for some reason it doesn’t work and I’ve wasted my money. Thinking possible bcem change or door locks or whatever. Just want to be sure before I buy a key for £250 or thereabouts. Ps the key is still working fine up to press after what Brian did. Thanks.

Posts: 8165

BeCM change is pretty unlikely, although you could have a look at the MoT history and look for any sudden jumps in mileage to give a clue. The BeCM and instrument cluster both hold the mileage data so if only one is changed the mileage shown on the dash will jump to whichever has stored the highest. So if a BeCM from a higher mileage car was fitted then the mileage shown on the dash would jump to match that although if the mileage stored in a replacement BeCM is lower, there will be no change to what the dash tells you.

A cheaper option would be to get a key blade cut to match yours so you can use that to lock and start the car while you send your existing one off to be repaired. I'd still be inclined to change the door latch so you know the microswitches are all working properly so it doesn't put you back to where you were before Brian reset things.

Posts: 810

FYI I had a long standing request with Black Box on whether or not turning off EKA deprives the operator of one means of remobilising a non NAS car or disables the active immobilisation. They just replied referring me to RAVE ie they, or the guy who does their Forum updates, don't know themselves.
Perhaps if someone has Testbook documentation it might be described in there?. I have now asked BBS, but it seems they're not really bothered