The only place for a coil spring is up Zebedee's arse
Posts: 552

drove the rover to the supermarket the other day , that's the only part the rover played in this story. parked and the wife went and done some shopping while i sat in the car . while sitting in the car i noticed several things where happening , people had trolloies full off toilet paper. others had the usual stuff just 5 times the amount which is sort off understandable under the conditions but why the toilet paper , i'm talking shit loads off it like 200 rolls plus, trolleys that dont hold enough , people running around to do it twice because they didn't get enough the first time . i'm sitting in the rover slightly giggling to my self about the carry on and then the wife comes back!!!! things are not what you think inside the supermarket, wifey starts with ;they are mad they are buying stuff that they just don't need , i had to confront a woman that was protecting the toilet paper she had pushed the trolly across the front and standing in the way off the rest pushing people past . an older gent was trying to get some toilet paper that was being protected by this lady, wifey just pushed the trolly out off the way and grabbed some paper and handed it to the elderly jent and then turned to the lady and gave her a serve she deserved much to her dismay . it's getting beyond a joke , they are still doing it , just how much shit do these people have to clean up,one person brought $800 of toilet paper WTF.now it's the mince that's disappearing, at lest they have realized that all that paper is useless if you haven't got food, lets face it if you don't have food you don't need toilet paper!!!
how is it over their , has anyone noticed similar things in your super markets LOL i think it's hilarious having to employ guards to protect the staff from these clowns , they are brawlling in the iesle , shopping has never been so much fun i need to go more often.

Posts: 672

mate you cannot imagine what has been happening in the terrafirma in the past weeks. end of the world nightmare.
two days ago I had a guy in front of me going out with 12 bottles of 1.5lt each of cooking oil. Just how many kilos of french fries you want to make? And 20 packets of 1kg flour? Bread for 10 years?

In any case, what's with all this toilet paper thing? I mean I usually buy bulk (30/40 rolls package) because is cheaper and it has been like 6/7 years I stick to this method, but ... what is going on with that? you expect to live in the toilet lol?

Posts: 552

personally i think there all in the wrong shop , i'd exchange those bottles of oil for bottles of whiskey. remember you will be stuck with the family for 14 days in quarantine?
i think it's all because of the stupid media and the bullshit that comes from them , sensationalise everything but don't tell the truth .

Posts: 501

its tge media and shit like fb and Twitter.

i work in a wholesaler and you would not believe the amount of faces we've never seen before the last weeks.

all buying bog roll and pasta ffs.

leave some for everyone else you fuckin morons

Posts: 2448

I don't understand the obsession with bogroll. It's not exactly an apocalypse item - there's usually a shower your loo in most houses anyway. And a washing machine come to that.

Having said that, I actually went into a supermarket yesterday (normally I do click and collect) and yes, there was very little bogroll left. There was some, but only the own brand stuff.

I've bought in some extra goods, mainly for freezing. It's definitely not enough to feed the family for two weeks but maybe 3-4 days if we don't get bored of baked beans :) I'm going on the assumption that there will still be mains power but supermarket deliveries will get a bit spotty.
I got some flour and yeast so we can bake bread - but I like fresh bread anyway :)

Our local hardware shop has been doing a roaring trade in domestic freezers....

Posts: 805

Why would you panic-buy bog roll when you can shoplift the Daily Mail? Of course you're risking catching its arse cancer...

Posts: 501

gordonjcp wrote:

Why would you panic-buy bog roll when you can shoplift the Daily Mail? Of course you're risking catching its arse cancer...


Posts: 487

We're going through bog rolls like no tomorrow at the moment.

Mind, we had a bout of distemper and the dogs that survived can't go out for another two weeks, so you can imagine...

Thank God for all tiled floors and an understanding, dog-loving cleaner!

Posts: 501

GeorgeB wrote:

We're going through bog rolls like no tomorrow at the moment.

Mind, we had a bout of distemper and the dogs that survived can't go out for another two weeks, so you can imagine...

Thank God for all tiled floors and an understanding, dog-loving cleaner!



Posts: 2448

We use Kitchen Roll for dog disasters - easier to get hold of too!

Posts: 1371

Apparently Johnny Cash started bog roll panic buying in 1974, he had a TV talk show and during the petrol crisis joked that the next thing to be in short supply would be bog rolls. Since then whenever there's been a crisis...

Posts: 1141

gordonjcp wrote:

Why would you panic-buy bog roll when you can shoplift the Daily Mail? Of course you're risking catching its arse cancer...

Its already covered in the stuff you want to wipe away, so I'm not sure it would be very effective. Though you could of course take it back and say its full of it, which would be doubley true.

Deliveries wise - try getting a slot booked, if you can even get onto the website for some of them, last time i looked to book a shopping delivery on Tuesday, the first available slots were Sunday evening.

Speaking to someone yesterday, his wife had gone shopping in Aldi to pickup a pack of bog rolls, and they had gone upto £7 for 9 apparantly.

Posts: 781

My morning routine: dump, wipe - no more than 2 sheets, jump in shower. Regular as clockwork. A bog roll lasts me for weeks. I could cut it down to 1 sheet I reckon when push comes to shove or when the shit hits the fan.
Women are the main users of bog rolls. Wipe every f***ing thing.

When I were a lad ..... outside bog in a back to back terraced house with sheets of newspaper on an old rusty nail. I survived, just.

Some other things are getting hard to get as well. I do a bit of wood turning and I can't get dust masks now.
Hand sanitiser is another thing. My grandkids are always snotting on me and I wanted a few pocket sized containers.
Can't get them so I have found a DIY method on YouTube.

Posts: 501

Morat wrote:

We use Kitchen Roll for dog disasters - easier to get hold of too!

not now it isn't

feckin idiots

Posts: 501

today the tinned veg, soups, pasta and rice are empty along with all kitchen and toilet roll being empty.

Posts: 8165

The French have their priorities right. Called in at a large Hypermarket on Saturday as the wine cellar (cupboard) was getting a bit low and found that as well as bog roll and tinned food, the French are stocking up on cheap wine too. I can think of worse ways of self isolating......

Posts: 1371

Just found out my sister has been tested for the virus, she's a dog groomer and one customer watched her dog getting groomed then told sister she'd just come back from Italy and lots of people in the area she was staying had it. I'm not sure if the customer had it or why sis needed testing... but she is one of those people who goes to the docs for anything and reckons she has a temperature so can imagine she strongly volunteered. She says docs swabbing her wore isolation suits themselves and ran a mile when she sneezed.

Edit - sis tested negative.

Posts: 1371

A customer just cancelled their LPG conversion due to the virus, he txted 'Being cautious because my 4 year old son has a cough'.

Original plan was he'd drop his car off with me and I'd take him to a local car hire place. Of course I accepted the cancellation immediately and without question... But in my reply txt I did suggest I could loan him a Corsa (instead of him having to use a hire car), said at no point would we need to be near each other, said I'd wipe my hands, steering wheels, door handles, etc with anti-viral wipes and leave a few unused wipes in the car. No reply yet but I doubt he'll go for it.

So for me it maybe begins... no work no income.

My son's firm just told him working from home is now mandatory, no problem for him as he's a computer programmer.

Posts: 8165

I've just lost the dining table...... Dina had yesterday and today booked as holiday but got a message from her boss last night. Pinched the P38 to go to the office earlier today and came back with office chair, monitor, keyboard, etc and has installed them on the dining table. Now normally it only gets used if we have someone here for dinner or at Christmas so things better be back to normal by December.......

Posts: 2448

We're both WFH tomorrow. This might be a bit strange!