The only place for a coil spring is up Zebedee's arse
Posts: 379

Had a classic car club member showing me news about how / when the E5 fuel is replaced by E10 that loads of cars won't run on it --- unless £s spent on modifying them ----- how will this effect all p38s petrol and diesel engines ?

Posts: 8156

It isn't a case of them not running on it, it's a case that the higher Ethanol content will attack some of the materials in the fuel system. Obviously the steel fuel pipes will be fine but it is some of the flexi sections of hose that may be degraded. It's only going from 5% Ethanol to 10% but E15 has been the norm in most European countries for about 2 years now. I've put E15 in my P38 and my old 1993 Classic, without any adverse affects but I will admit, if I was going to run on it regularly, I'd renew all the fuel lines maybe even with Goodridge 200 series braided Nitrile.

Posts: 1083

They have been running high ethanol fuel in America in old cars for a good few years..

I doubt it'll cause it to go all to shit.

Posts: 8156

Main problem is that it attacks rubber so any hoses or seals in the fuel system need to be changed. From 1999 onwards manufacturers stopped using any rubber components anyway which is why they say it should only be used in cars built from 2000. I only use petrol the same as a spare wheel anyway, it's just there in case of emergency.

Posts: 501

Another problem with it is that it absorbs water over time and as we know, water doesn't burn.
My motorbike is a bitch to sort out as it has 4 carbs. Which reminds me.....