The only place for a coil spring is up Zebedee's arse
Posts: 487

Just something I discovered the other day.

I rarely lock the vehicle anyway (virtually everywhere I park has an armed security guard nearby) and being as Land Rover Manila want nearly 450 quid for a remote, I've stuck with using the door lock. I have replaced the latch some time ago. So this is for those in the same position.

Anyway, I went to unlock it the other day and whoops, the key wouldn't turn. "Oh dearie me", I thought. Going to turn the opposite direction, and I noticed that the door handle bit with the lock in moved fractionally, and I mean fractionally. By dint of a gentle twist on this, the door unlocked with no problem. This bit is only held on by one torx head screw, accessible with the door open and if that isn't 100% tight, the lock section moves, et voila, stuck.

Positioned the handle section so the key moved both ways, tightened up the screw and problem solved.

It just may save someone panicking and thinking the worst.

Of course, in your case it may indeed be the worst, but now it may not, if you follow me.

Oh and please no, "Get a new fob or you will die" replies in a US accent please. :-)

Posts: 1327

Jeez, sounds like LR are having a laugh, 450 for a key, that's highway robbery.. have you not thought about getting your fob sorted out, there are people out there that can repair them, maybe get a key from eBay so you can still use the blade while the guts of remote are being sorted out..

Posts: 487

Never had the fobs, only two valet keys.

As I say, I hardly ever lock it anyway. A man with a .45 stood 5 yards away tends to deter the average thief!

If I remember, LRM wanted GBP438 per fob with around five months delivery! Needless to say, I have never used them for anything, although I did naively ask about an exhaust system when I first got it. First problem was that they had never heard of the P38, second was, "Have to come from UK, many, many months" and third was, "You buy new Evoque, special offer this week." No ta.

Posts: 2448

But ALL the school run mums are rocking the Evoque!
You could have a white one ;)

Posts: 647

Back to topic, George you are right about the fixing position of the mechanism, I once took my driversdoor apart en when I unscrewed the torx screw you mentioned I heard something falling in the door.
It was the spacer between doorframe and actual mechanism, this is needed to provide the needed space. Without this spacer you let the screw pull to hard on the mechanism and becomes outof position.

Item 22 in the drawing, do a search inside your door to find it.

doorlock mechanism

Posts: 487

Morat wrote:

But ALL the school run mums are rocking the Evoque!
You could have a white one ;)

Being as the Girls often call me "Mummy-Daddy George" maybe you have a point.

They would insist on hot pink though.

Posts: 487

Ferryman wrote:

Back to topic, George you are right about the fixing position of the mechanism, I once took my driversdoor apart en when I unscrewed the torx screw you mentioned I heard something falling in the door.
It was the spacer between doorframe and actual mechanism, this is needed to provide the needed space. Without this spacer you let the screw pull to hard on the mechanism and becomes outof position.

Item 22 in the drawing, do a search inside your door to find it.

I have item 22 safe and sound. It was just that the screw had come ever so slightly loose and needed a quick nip up. But the symptoms could easily lead to "OMG, I'm superlocked out"

Posts: 8145

Been done already

enter image description here

Posts: 487

Gilbertd wrote:

Been done already

enter image description here

My eyes, my eyes!

Please delete this picture, if my Little Darlings see this, I'm doomed I tells ya, doomed!