One issue my car has is a "valve stuck" fault..
It says RH front i'm assuming it is RH from the drivers seat?
Or is it when you're looking at the car from the front?
The oddity is..
Using the 2000 scale on my Ohm meter, when the arm gets to this point...
Measuring the pin from the far right of my pic and the middle one, it gets to a point in its travel where it clicks slightly and goes open circuit, If I shift my common lead to the far left pin it continues to read etc 7
From this point it goes open circuit and I have to shift leads.
When on the 20k scale it is quite smooth it ranges from 1.20 to 2.45
On the 2000 scale it is a tad jumpy...
Am i barking up the wrong tree?
That is the front right "as you sit in the drivers seat"
I do hope that is the "right front" lol