The only place for a coil spring is up Zebedee's arse
Posts: 55

after having some issues with the EAS system on my 2000 P38 i came to this site to try to find a fix.

a quick bit of searching and reading and i decided a rebuild/refresh to the EAS Valve Block and Compressor was in order.

i had a spare EAS Valve Block and Compressor sitting around and using the resources found here and a few other choice places, i was able to rebuild both with the x8r O-ring kit. the rebuild/refresh was surprisingly easy and went well. oddly enough, or perhaps not, both had been rebuilt at least one time previously.

i didn't notice anything untoward on the Valve Block but the Compressor had an obviously torn and damaged piston seal. i replaced every gasket and O-ring on both.

the rebuilt compressor filled the empty air tank to 150 psi in about eight minutes and shortly after that had the Rover sitting comfortably at normal drive height.

i'll be purchasing another x8r kit and will be rebuilding the EAS Valve Block and Compressor that came out of the RR in the next month or so to have spares to swap in. i have an extra EAS box, so i'm planning on rebuilding and then installing the Block and Compressor in the EAS box. that way if and when any issues come up i can just swap the freshly rebuilt box in.

after doing a quite a bit of reading and browsing some Youtube videos, thanks Storey, and then actually taking apart the Valve Block i realized that the system isn't that complex and shouldn't be too much of an issue to maintain.

thanks to everyone on this site who has posted info and experience about these great trucks.

and, i don't know who Zebedee is but, he can keep the coil springs. i love the air ride.

Posts: 8165

Before the likes of X8R started doing the rebuild kits and Storey Wilson released the EASUnlock software, the EAS was a bit of a black art and a mystery to everyone. Take the car into a main dealer with an EAS fault and you'd be charged an arm and both legs for a new valve block and/or compressor. These days it's not a problem and, as you say, when you start to look into it, the system is actually very simple.

This is Zebedee

enter image description here

who was a character in an English children's TV programme called The Magic Roundabout back in the 1980's. The tagline comes from when the Defender came out on coil springs after the series Land Rovers had used leaf springs for many years and the purists considered that coil springs didn't belong on a Land Rover. And they still don't......

Posts: 1327

BOING ! Zebedee arrived,, I said the other night Iā€™d trod on a Brian, to the other half, unintentionally I might add, as her daughter would of thrown a fit, gotta love the magic roundabout šŸ‘

Posts: 681

As a Canadian I never understood the RR.pub slogan. Now it makes sense.
I was one of those "purists" for a lot of years. Turns out you can teach some old dogs new tricks!

Posts: 8165

As Gordon and me both got banned from rr.net for quoting it, we figured it was the ideal tagline for this site.

Chris, I understand what you trod on but many won't. A bit like when my daughter was very young, her mother bought some Venison sausages but told her she probably wouldn't like them. She asked what venison was and I've never been forgiven for telling her it was Bambi.......

Posts: 672

ah ah ah ... my daughter still too small to think about it, but the day she learns will be shocked as well!

Thanks for clearing up the Zebedee matter, is been bugging me for a long time as well but did not want to start up a topic for it ...
While I did enjoyed coil sprung LR/RR in previous years, I would agree with a "purist" in considering the leaf-sprung Series the 'core' and tradition of the brand. Certainly non relatable to the modern interpretations .... say "New Defender" oops.

Sorry for adding OT to the topic.

Posts: 2448

It's OK - we haven't had a New Defender thread yet. Perhaps it's time to start one!

Posts: 672

No it is not .... lol
just kidding
Me, I any Land Rover newer than Def/D2/RRP38 leaves me fairly indifferent. The vision of the brand and my own interests differ so much I have trouble finding any alignment. And is not price matter either ...
For the dough of the new thing, I'd rather buy something different.