The only place for a coil spring is up Zebedee's arse
Posts: 37

Hi All,

I recently bought a 2001 P38 which I am trying to bring up to as good a condition as possible. This will include a full respray and recondition of interior. In addition, I am putting together a list of jobs of items which will have deteriorated with a 19 y/o RR. Rather than wait for them perish or not work, I would replace them now with good quality parts that should then last. I have created the below list, is there anything else you would add?

  1. New Air Bags
  2. New ball joints
  3. Wheel hub seals
  4. Discs and pads
  5. Thermostat
  6. Water pump
  7. Viscus Fan
  8. Suspension bushes
  9. Coolant flush

Thank Tom

Posts: 1327

Radius arm bushes, heater o rings, change all fluids

Posts: 1141

A once over of the propshafts also wouldn't go amiss. Is it a manual or Auto? Petrol or Diesel?

Posts: 37

BrianH wrote:

A once over of the propshafts also wouldn't go amiss. Is it a manual or Auto? Petrol or Diesel?

Thanks for your replies, it is an auto diesel

Posts: 8165

You've got the front air springs already so you may as well change them. Rears tend to go first in my experience so I suspect they've already been done and the fronts are the originals (but are still pretty good). There's the one ball joint on the drag link arm that has a tiny bit of play in it and Chris is lined up to do the top and bottom ball joints already, so that's them sorted. Hub seals rarely leak unless the hubs have been off so leave them until they start to leak. Discs and pads when the time for new pads comes. Can't really comment on the stat, water pump and viscous on a diesel, so wait for someone else to reply on them. Suspension bushes could be done at the same time as the ball joints and a coolant flush wouldn't do any harm.

Heater core O rings have been done at some time in the past, the holes in the console sides were there when we had it apart to fit the Parrot and attacking the propshaft UJ's with a grease gun is supposed to be done far more regularly than anyone ever does it.

Changing the auto box filter and fluid is worth doing but it was too bloody cold when you were here last month!

Posts: 672

When you flush coolant take a look that the rad is not blocked, mine was and it was a life of running warm/hot until I replaced. Mind you, was looking mint ...
I would not bother replacing airbags, you will not find them new anyway, and it is proven they last far longer than the original scheduled times before replacement ...

Posts: 8165

leolito wrote:

I would not bother replacing airbags, you will not find them new anyway

By air bags he is referring to air springs, not the fireworks that lurk inside the steering wheel and dash.

Posts: 77

Buy a busted out P38 1999 - 2002 that otherwise mechanically matches yours. Something with a blown motor or tranny for example. They're great as a reference and pay for themselves in random spare parts.

Posts: 2448

Drive it in a tight circle on tarmac and check that the front end doesn't skip. If your Viscous Unit (centre diff) is locked you'll end up knackering lots of expensive parts of your suspension and transmission.