The only place for a coil spring is up Zebedee's arse
Posts: 8106

Lpgc wrote:

I'm probably wrong but I thought I remembered you once saying you'd love an L322?

No, I said I'd love the 300 bhp from the 4.4 litre BMW engine in the early L322. But I wouldn't want the ugly bodywork, the complication of the Canbus linked electronics or the cost of spare parts. Putting the L322 engine with the Bosch Motronic into a late model, Bosch equipped, P38 should make most of the electronics compatible (would the L322 engine run on the original P38 ECU even?) and that engine can be converted to LPG without having to mess around with a valve saver.

Posts: 646

That'd be an interesting electronic play, P38 uses the 5.2.1 which is specifically made for the V8, but close to the 5.2 used by the M62 ... in any case it would be a tight fit, the RV8 is very "slim" upwards due to the small heads, the M62 is wide up ...
In any case I would not touch a BMW powerplant not even with a bargepole ... makes the RV8 look good in comparison, quality wise... only the fact that has VANOS should make you steer away from it lol
Decent Bavarian V8 if you really fancy that would be the earlier version pre-VANOS (that'd be M62B44, 540, 740, 840, etc. 4.4. with 282 horses), which again is run by a Motronic 5.2, or even the earlier M60 which was even more robust - nothwisthanding all the above have Nikasil/Alusil problems, that is.

I don't like new cars, and I seldom like their technology. A wet-clutch DSG or a 6-speed Tiptronic (ZF6HP26) are fantastic transmissions, but I don't like what is build around them and it is a nightmare to adapt.
Likewise for the engine ... money for power, nothing beats an American V8, but ... I guess will dwell on this more when the time comes :-)

Posts: 1228

BMW engine, ZF gearbox, everything works. No bodged in sensors or anything like that.

enter image description here

You can keep your barge pole :)

Posts: 2448

Nikasil/Alusil isn't an issue now, as all UK fuel is now low-sulphur. Any pitted blocks should have been replaced under recall/warranty.
However, it does seem that BMW got infected with the same Accountancy > Engineering management practices as Mercedes which is a shame as they were fantastic in the E30/32/34 era. What the hell they are doing producing cars like the X6 I've no idea.

Posts: 646

Don't worry, same for the other two zee big germans ... don't believe the silver star and the 4 rings are fairing much better! :-)

Sloth, you got a oil burner ... not the same :-)
I keep my bargepole, no worries lol !!

Posts: 379

My company gave up using BMW diesels due to the use of plastic pipes and inlets --- couple of weeks ago I signed off 11 m57 diesel's for scrap We use Toyota diesel's now which is convenient as I've built 1 for car use 4.6 32valve twin turbo