The only place for a coil spring is up Zebedee's arse
Posts: 781

I have just noticed this advert on ebay for a diesel engine ECU that has had the immobiliser programmed out.
Anyone heard of this before? and how is it done?
The Bosch engine ECU has a fixed EMS code stored in it. It is set at the factory and cannot be altered. The BECM reads and compares the code and sends a start signal if they are the same.
When an ECU is chipped with a different performance map it does not alter this code, it is stored elsewhere in the ECU.

diesel engine ecu

Posts: 8162

It can be done on the GEMS petrol ECU by the likes of Tornado systems (effectively making it into an ECU for a Morgan or TVR which don't have a BeCM) so I don't see why it can't be done on a diesel one by someone that knows what they are doing.

Posts: 1228

It probably has an emulator fitted, rather than being 'programmed out'

Works well enough if done right - my M57 ECU is the same. Someone has recently done one for the Thor ECU too.

The emulator just sends the code the BeCM would have sent, as you'd expect.

Posts: 781

Yes, I have seen the petrol ones that work without a BECM. I just wondered about the diesel. The diesel ECU sends a signal to the stop solenoid on the FIP to stop it starting until it is sync'ed. Maybe they have picked up on a pin and hard wired it inside the ECU?

There are two memory chips side by side in the ECU. One contains the fuel mapping. That is the one you change when chipping the engine. I have had a good look through it with an eprom programmer and that is all the information it contains. The other chip contains the EMS code and not much else. It needs to be unsoldered to read it. I just wondered if someone was reprogramming this second chip. News to me.

Posts: 384

Sloth wrote:

It probably has an emulator fitted, rather than being 'programmed out'

Works well enough if done right - my M57 ECU is the same. Someone has recently done one for the Thor ECU too.

The emulator just sends the code the BeCM would have sent, as you'd expect.

I have installed a few Mobi-Lize units on Gems over the years, and would be keen to know who is doing one for Thor?
Do you have any info on the Thor variant?