The only place for a coil spring is up Zebedee's arse
Posts: 1370


I'm Simon Andrew, Lpgc on Lpgforum and well known to Gilbertd from there.

Was intrigued by one of Gilbert's recent comments there, enough to sway me to look at this forum, and I might be getting involved in doing head gaskets on a P38 soon and this forum seems full of experts (including Gilbert of course) so I joined up. I don't own a Rangerover myself but I work on plenty.

Well buga me, I'm to be moderated by Gilbertd... Everything in moderation though eh Gilbert hehe!



Posts: 2448

HAHA this is going to be fun :)

Welcome Simon... you'll be pleased to hear that the Range Rover you converted for me is running nicely. It must be due a service soon!
I think we might need to discuss self tapping screws, but it's all fixed now :D

Posts: 8156

Mmmmmm, moderator status, an edit button...... This is definitely going to be fun.

No doubt sooner or later someone may need your help Simon, quite a few of us on here are running V8's on LPG. However, this is a pub, a virtual pub admittedly, but still a pub. So as the newby, sit down, shut up and it's your round.

This https://rangerovers.pub/topic/189-looks-like-rrtoadhall-doesn-t-like-competition is the story of how I got banned from the other side (permanently, I got a short ban, as did Gordon, for using the phrase that has become the tagline for this forum).

Posts: 1370

I would have replied sooner but I've been getting a server error every time I've tried the 'opening time' section since my last post.

Ahh Morat here too, hello again! Gilbert told me on the other forum about the self tapper I fitted going through wiring and I'm very sorry about that... Second time I've done that in all the time I've been installing, would have found and sorted it if you'd brought it back / if I'd known. Although I knew the names Miles and Morat I didn't equate them until now, sometimes forget who I've converted vehicles for etc, both names rang a positive bell though. At the time of your install I think I said it seemed to be running almost to the extent of fuel trims on petrol, maybe due to fuel pressure regulator or AFR, so I'd aimed for a fuel trim closer to nought when calibrating the install... Or was it just one bank of cylinder due to a lambda probe?

Gilbert, Shall I change my name from LPGC to Zippy for a bit? ;-) And yes sir Mr Mod sir, what's everyone having?


Posts: 2448

LOL :)
Don't worry Simon, the wiring is sorted now - but it did give us a run around due to a very random suspension fault. Marty traced the relevant wires.
Anyway.. as for the fuel trims - it's had a new O2 and a new MAF since the install so it could probably do with another tweak now. I've got the second O2 on the shelf and I'll fit it as soon as I get to it (which might be a while). Last time I tried I started to round it off so I gave up sharpish. It's running OK but getting about 2.8 miles per litre instead of the 3 to 3.1 that others on here are reporting.
I'd also appreciate you having a look at my Jeep some time, but I think this is all going to be after Christmas now. I've been informed that our new budget priority is a couple of Basset Hounds!
Cheers :)

Posts: 805

I would have replied sooner but I've been getting a server error every time I've tried the 'opening time' section since my last post.

That's 'cos Gilbertd broke it :-D

The site's now on a server with a bit more memory (gone from 256MB to 16GB, that ought to do it). So the random crashes when it eats all the RAM should be a thing of the past...

Posts: 8156

I did, I admit it. I was trying to install the waffle filter now Simon is on here.....

Actually, I posted the same post twice, noticed what I'd done and deleted the duplicate. Obviously before it had properly saved it.

Posts: 805

Hmm, I'll need to try that on the test install. I just put it down to something crashing and restarting before it was quite done updating all the tables.

Posts: 1370

Gilbert, might suggest waffle filter should be set at 785 words thus allowing some of the longer posts from yourself ;-) But yeah I'll hold my hand up to going on a bit!

Morat, will need a tune up in case of lambda or MAF problem corrected, let me know when you're ready for that and/or the Jeep looking at. A couple of times I've had to weld new boss's into P38 exhausts, boss coming off with the probe / stripped threads.


Posts: 647

Morat is that J**p a XJ by any chance? You always could swap the leafs onto your P38 :) (walking on eggs now with a risk of being banned here)

Posts: 2448

LOL it is - but I prefer to keep my Jeeps bouncy and my Range Rovers smooth :)

Posts: 647

I had one too, with the Selec-Trac driveline. Technically not sophysticated but enough options like 2wd, 4wd parttime (blocked centrediff), 4wd fulltime and 4wd lo. Very sensitive for overheating (too small radiator).
And saggy rearleafs, with 3 people in the back it bounced on the bumpstops. Traded it in for the RR

Posts: 2448

I put new leafs and shocks in mine, they're pretty cheap, and its happy bouncing along now :) XJs are sensitive to heat it's true but like anything else they're much better with proper maintenance. I changed the rad in mine, unblocked all the silicon from the thermostat and lo and behold, it's bang in the middle of the dial all the time. The transmission can overheat too if you're offroading in High Range - but you shouldn't do that anyway.
They're very basic compared with the Range Rover but that's also quite appealing, so is the relatively light weight at 15-1600Kg. I'd always choose the Range Rover for long motorway trips but an engine and trans that will make it to 250,000 miles without a rebuild is not to be sniffed at - even if the thing will rot through the floors well before then if you give it half a chance!
I do love the comfort and style of the Range Rover but if I didn't have the reliability of the Jeep to fall back on I doubt I'd be able to entertain the tantrums that the Range Rover throws.

I hope this doesn't get me banned either! :)

enter image description here

And one for Simon so he has an idea of what he'll be up against... as you can see the LPG doesn't really enter the manifold very close to the cylinders :( Sorry for the idiot arrows, I put them on this pic for an American XJ site where the concept of running a Jeep on Propane is a real novelty.

enter image description here

Posts: 1370

Delete this - I messed up and posted twice.

Posts: 1370

Just finished changing a brake cylinder and shocker on my son's old Hyundai Accent that'll be going to girlfriend's son in law for him to learn to drive in, sat in my car recharging laptop and waiting for a Freelander to be dropped off from an accident recovery firm.. I'm tasked with fixing the Freelander's LPG system, fitted less than a year ago by 'LPG Experts', because apparently ever since the accident (body damage repaired a while ago now) the LPG system has cut back to petrol when owner puts her foot down... Yeah rite! Me thinks it cut back to petrol when she put her foot down even before the accident but we'll see.. I bet she got a bad neck from the accident as well!

Morat, looks like most bits are BRC - Reducer is, ribbed back ECU could be Europgas or Piro but is most likely BRC Seq56 (since BRC/Bosch sensor is pictured T'd into reducer vac connection). Difficult to make injectors out as many types look similar to those but they'e not BRC - Maybe GFI, Tartarini, Rail. etc.. Which could be problematic on a more demanding engine if ECU is Seq56 as best results would only be with quicker injectors, but I reckon probably workable on the 4L Jeep. How does it drive on LPG?

Since nobody's been banned yet for talking Jeeps and this will still be under 300 words (ahem Gilbert! ;-) ]... My Jeep saw the road for the first time in years the other day, just a trip to the jet wash. Before standing it up I'd at least disconnected the battery, so that was OK just wanted a charge. Charged, checked engine and ancillaries weren't seized, it started first turn of the key and drove OKish except for some steering warble that'll be down to corroded discs, I hope. This has a K&N too...I nicked it's shallow design pre 2000 air box to fit on a post 2000 model I converted a few years ago. No clearance between air box and bonnet with new style air box and a mixer fitted. Would have been plenty of places to fit your ECU without the K&N...


Posts: 331

So, Simon, as a matter of interest .......... I'm looking at buying a new RR. Circumstances dictate I spend some money.
So as you're regarded as a LPG guru, if I get an 08/09 4.2 V8 S/C, is it possible to put that on LPG successfully and what price range would I be looking at?? Obviously, I would be wanting a top range system and the business would be yours.

Posts: 805

Since nobody's been banned yet for talking Jeeps

No, but maybe for that aerial - hope you're not a bloody CBer Morat, get a proper licence :-D

Posts: 8156

I suspect he might be...... Or he's getting a hell of a mismatch using that on his Hytera DMR system.

Posts: 1370


I've converted a lot of supercharged Rangerovers and they all run great on LPG (with no warning lights etc). They need additional components that add to the cost of conversion, not just because of the power although this adds to cost too, which I'll come to... A forced/electronic type valve lube system is a must and they need to have a petrol return system fitted. Comparatively expensive and extra components, coupled with the extra time to convert these properly (ensuring manifold mounted nozzles are fitted in the correct place) means I charge £1900 to convert this model... but that's doing them properly! 'Come to' bit.. 2 x reducers or AMR reducer, plus electronic lube plus fuel return means bits to convert already cost over £300 more than usual bits to convert most V8's, that;s without the extra time to install and calibrate properly factored in. Just justifying the cost ;-)

Above price is with an AMR reducer (or 2x other make reducers), MJ injectors, Flashlube electronic valve lube system, obviously the fuel return I mentioned, I used to fit AEB 8 cylinder electronics (such as King) on most V8 stuff including SC RR's but I think I'd prefer the KME Nevo ECU for this model now. There are threads on SC RR's I've converted on Lpgforum, just had a quick look and didn't find those threads so here's a pic of one I did..
enter image description here
!(http://i1365.photobucket.com/albums/r741/SimonAndrew/LPGC/LPGCConvertedRangeRoverSupercharged_zps9f844b0a.jpg "Supercharged Rangerover converted by Lpgc")
In the conversion in the pic 2 x MJ reducers are fitted, but 2 x Romano HD's or a single AMR reducer would be better. AMR wasn't available back then.

I don't really go down the tiered system route (bronze, silver, gold etc) that some installers come out with, it just doesn't really work like that. This system is capable of better results than what is usually considered 'top of range' systems such as BRC / Prins.. Gilbert'll probably back me up on that.



Posts: 1370

I think I've still got the 20 odd foot Shakespeare 27Mhz aerial with great big bits sticking out the side from the bottom that used to be on the chimney atop a scaffolding pole, and a 100 watt 'burner' somewhere, along with a few AM and side band 'rigs' that I adapted to go from 'super low' to 'super high' band.. Cybernet and Unidem boards. Cancel telly and make the ironing board talk type stuff hehe ;-)
