The only place for a coil spring is up Zebedee's arse
Posts: 2448

The Duches, being a expensive Bi++.. Lady... has the auto dipping, auto dimming, heated wing mirrors.
The driver's side one has now decided that being reflective was far too common and has changed colour to an unpleasant dog-streak brown.
Not wishing to replace the whole assembly (it's colour coded, too) I looked for a replacement piece of glass.


Holy Carp.

Posts: 781

I would not think they sell very many.

Posts: 8132

Get a plain glass one like us commoners......


Posts: 220

They’ve come down in price. At one stage, and this was many years ago, they were well over £300 a throw.

Posts: 218

Morat wrote:

The Duches, being a expensive Bi++.. Lady... has the auto dipping, auto dimming, heated wing mirrors.
The driver's side one has now decided that being reflective was far too common and has changed colour to an unpleasant dog-streak brown.
Not wishing to replace the whole assembly (it's colour coded, too) I looked for a replacement piece of glass.


Holy Carp.

After you have spent £212.99+shipping you aren't even guaranteed an intact mirror

"PLEASE NOTE: None of Paddock Spares' carriers will insure us for glass products. As a result all glass products are sent at the customers risk and no replacements can be sent if damaged. However, we do endeavour to pack everything as well as we possibly can and have VERY FEW breakages."

BTW I'm not sure that they can evade consumer protection legislation in this way.

Posts: 2448

I can't even see if they're heated, I'd hope so!

Posts: 8132

What I can't work out is what is the difference between CRD101240 and CRD101260, both described as Glass Assembly-Exterior Mirror RH Convex Electrochromatic Mirrors [ (V)YA430702 ], other than 260 is NLA from JLR but is available, and even more expensive, from LRDirect.

Posts: 656

Could one of the codes be for GCC/Arab countries?

The electrochromatic mirrors are very expensive regardless of brand/model ... I did read somewhere they are no longer produced for the RRP38, so anything you can actually get your hands on is the last of the last ...

Posts: 1228

Yeah, electrochromatic is expensive on any car.

It is nice to have, but on any car I've had it - once it fails (which it always does) it just gets replaced with plain heated glass. Occasionally with blue tint which does cut down on some glare at night.

Posts: 1141

Gilbertd wrote:

What I can't work out is what is the difference between CRD101240 and CRD101260, both described as Glass Assembly-Exterior Mirror RH Convex Electrochromatic Mirrors [ (V)YA430702 ], other than 260 is NLA from JLR but is available, and even more expensive, from LRDirect.

Microcat lists CRD101260 as being for LHD. It doesn't say RHD against the other one, but I'd guess thats the difference. Quite what the difference is I'm not too sure in actual use, but there must be some sort of difference? Given they are listed as Convex mirrors, I would hazard a guess that the view from them is angled somehow differently as it would be in a different position in relation to the drivers view?

Posts: 8132

Or it's for US spec ones and has a warning about things being closer than they look printed on it?

Posts: 1141

Its also marked as +GCC so does look like they are Gulf market vehicles, could well be the same about the warning being printed on it as well, no idea what the rules in that area of the world are on that sort of thing.

Posts: 2448

Well I'd have no problem with the warning (I've got it on my Jeep, and it makes me think of Jurassic Park) but a different focus/direction could be an issue.
Ah well, I've got more pressing issues like EAS valve block and rear bags to go at.
BUT, it was payday yesterday so I'd better get the bits :)