The only place for a coil spring is up Zebedee's arse
Posts: 2426

gordonjcp wrote:

Since nobody's been banned yet for talking Jeeps

No, but maybe for that aerial - hope you're not a bloody CBer Morat, get a proper licence :-D

HAHA, funny you should say that :) I was spotted by a local amateur (at the tip of all places) with my antenna and he persuaded me to come down to the local amateur group. Not that I needed much persuasion because I was already thinking about it but their instructor spent most of the time slagging off people who use CB so I didn't feel very much at home. I might go back, but honestly I'm not sure I'm that excited by the group of ancients that were there. I'm not averse to a bit of morse, it's an old skill I'd love to learn but I'd be much more interested in setting up a software defined radio running out of the back of my PC.

The CB is just for giggles and doesn't get a lot of use. I've also got a couple of handhelds but apart from when we're on the boat they only really get used when my wife and I are driving in convoy (usually to some garage or other!) and my 5yo wants to talk to Daddy :)

Posts: 2426

Lpgc wrote:

Just finished changing a brake cylinder and shocker on my son's old Hyundai Accent that'll be going to girlfriend's son in law for him to learn to drive in, sat in my car recharging laptop and waiting for a Freelander to be dropped off from an accident recovery firm.. I'm tasked with fixing the Freelander's LPG system, fitted less than a year ago by 'LPG Experts', because apparently ever since the accident (body damage repaired a while ago now) the LPG system has cut back to petrol when owner puts her foot down... Yeah rite! Me thinks it cut back to petrol when she put her foot down even before the accident but we'll see.. I bet she got a bad neck from the accident as well!

Morat, looks like most bits are BRC - Reducer is, ribbed back ECU could be Europgas or Piro but is most likely BRC Seq56 (since BRC/Bosch sensor is pictured T'd into reducer vac connection). Difficult to make injectors out as many types look similar to those but they'e not BRC - Maybe GFI, Tartarini, Rail. etc.. Which could be problematic on a more demanding engine if ECU is Seq56 as best results would only be with quicker injectors, but I reckon probably workable on the 4L Jeep. How does it drive on LPG?

Since nobody's been banned yet for talking Jeeps and this will still be under 300 words (ahem Gilbert! ;-) ]... My Jeep saw the road for the first time in years the other day, just a trip to the jet wash. Before standing it up I'd at least disconnected the battery, so that was OK just wanted a charge. Charged, checked engine and ancillaries weren't seized, it started first turn of the key and drove OKish except for some steering warble that'll be down to corroded discs, I hope. This has a K&N too...I nicked it's shallow design pre 2000 air box to fit on a post 2000 model I converted a few years ago. No clearance between air box and bonnet with new style air box and a mixer fitted. Would have been plenty of places to fit your ECU without the K&N...


it runs OK on LPG, but only OK. The idle is rough and it sometimes cuts back to petrol on full acceleration, usually when the LPG is below half full. The system is a bit of a compromise being a BRC that was installed about two years ago to replace the original Dream XXI which was 11 years old. Everything was replaced apart from the spuds (?) where the gas goes into the manifold. The other thing that was original for a while was the 12V feed to the gas ECU but when I fixed the aircon it turned out that the LPG was being fed from somewhere that went well below 12V as soon as the aircon compressor kicked in. Woops. Then when the installer looked for a new feed he managed to fry the LPG ECU which has been running really well as long as the aircon was off. He replaced the ECU FoC (of course) but there wasn't a whole lot of time to get a new map done.

So that combined with what I reckon is a pretty substandard location for the LPG pipes is probably the reason it's not quite 100%. Maybe 75 :)

Posts: 331

So I'm looking at 2k, Simon?? Does that include everything .............. fuel tank and fitting of filler tube?

Posts: 1348

Shep, Yes that's it, everything fitted, job done, running very nicely on gas.


Posts: 1348


As a kid I used to have a few hobbies, computers, electronics, CB, engines & cars, shooting, home brew.. and I intermingled some of them such as passing through the quarry/tip when going shooting to see if any electronic stuff had been dumped that I might take home to fix or just take bits off for use in some project later. I made particular use of the BBC computer's analogue input and 'user port' digital output and had a mini solar panel (from a 300 in 1 kids electronics set) outside in a jam jar to meter light level and relay running off the user port to switch mains lighting in my bedroom. Then, noting that the channel selector on a CB just made various connections on the PLL chip, I replaced a CB channel selector knob with mini relays controlled by the BBC's user port output so I could use the computer to switch channels. With an analogue connection from the signal meter and another little program the computer could go through the channels looking for a strong signal, thus acting like a scanner.

Dad had ship to shore and CB radios on his boat and in his campervan (and car), before mobile phones you could make phone calls on STS radio but expensive. On one occasion we were parked on top of cliffs in Wales, made an expensive phone call to grandma and after the call Anglesey Radio queried the strong signal and their radio direction equipment pointing to the 'boat' being on land... illegal hehe.

Is this gas pickup at the rear or front end of the tank? Tank in spare wheel well or cylinder in boot etc? BRC installs usually have 4 hole tanks but in case tank is in wheel well it may have a 0degree single hole tank with valve pointing semi forward at 10/11 O'clock (because on that model the petrol tank has metal bracket protection that makes it difficult to fit valve through side of wheel well in other locations). Or may just be that change back to petrol pressure is set too high or reducer pressure set too low. The Jeep 4L is a low demand engine in terms of LPG conversion, spuds aren't in a great position but that might not be having the biggest negative impact. With some LPG systems it's necessary to 'advance the injection sequence' to prevent harsh gear changes and hesitation on acceleration, you can do that in software with some systems or can achieve the same by swapping gas injector plug connections.

Would maybe be a bit surprising if the BRC installer didn't just upload a standard map for the 4L Jeep.


Posts: 2426

It's a 4 hole cylinder tank underneath the boot floor, the dual tank setup from Tinley Tech, but I don't know where the pickup is!

I'll get back to CB and 11m (receive only of course!!) one day. There are some great spots round here where you can get high up and hear the world, especially with a 3m tank whip :)

Posts: 1348

With a cylinder mounted transversely pickup point won't be an issue (and yours will be transverse), so would likely just need a pressure or software adjustment to prevent the cutting back to petrol.

Not much fun in just listening?


Posts: 8024

Lpgc wrote:

Not much fun in just listening?

No, but he knows what I do for a living......

Posts: 2426

(off air)

tbh, the SDRs available with a web interface fascinate me.
if you haven't seen it.

Posts: 1348

TV detector van Gilbert? Hehe ribbing! I know the gist of what you do, not exactly what that entails.

You know I used to be a DJ... At one time I had thoughts of setting up a pirate radio station haha!


Posts: 2426

oooooh, you naughty boy!

of course SSB and AM are legal now on the CB frequencies so you can actually do quite a lot more than was originally legal. There's only one radio that is genuinely type approved but the one I have can be programmed to transmit in a legal manner (12W USB/LSB) you just don't want to turn the wrong knob up to 50 :)

Posts: 1348

I didn't do it! Used to be able to talk to Italians more than anywhere else, language problem, a lot of them used echo mic's and beam aerials, but had a few chats with Yanks / Canadians. Don't know about the legalities these days. Cybernet boards could usually be adjusted up to 12w, Unidem boards a bit more, depending on frequency you were on and how well you'd got the ferrite rods in inductors on the boards adjusted. Thing about the big Yank CBs was that despite differences in external design and functions there were only really a handful of boards they were all based on, including the big 'homebase rigs'. Not much in the burner except a few power trannies but even a fairly low power one will do 100w. I know a bloke who got into UHF radio, talks to people all over the world he reckons... via relay stations. 'So just like a mobile phone / internet then?' I said. 'Why don't you just ask their phone number'...