The only place for a coil spring is up Zebedee's arse
Posts: 341

Found the “damned leak” in HEVAC. Fortunately using the Nitrogen pressure test i sourced it with bubbles at the drier! Top nut wasn’t snugged down enough, actually was finger tight. All tight as a drum now and holds the 100PSI I put in for an hour at least.
I note that the system requires 49oz of R134a plus oil. Having never refilled a system from empty I need help with this.
Whats the technique for filling the system? Do I buy 4 x 12 oz R134a with the oil added or do I get the R134a and add the oil separately.
Any other tips, tricks, warnings or ‘lessons learned” before I pull the “trigger”?


Posts: 8113

Before putting anything in, you need to vac the system to get rid of the remaining Nitrogen and any air. That will draw the refrigerant in. To add the oil separately, you need the proper kit, so if you can buy R134a with the oil added, then use that.

Posts: 341

Thanks Gilbertd. System has been vacuumed completely and let sat overnight. I have 45oz of R134a and 4oz of the oil ready. I do have the proper kit for the job. Was more interested in issues members may have had refilling the system.

Posts: 8113

I don't think anyone without the kit will have done the job when you can take the car in and get it tested for leaks and refilled for £50 or thereabouts. It isn't something that many people here will attempt.

Posts: 212

Gilbertd wrote:

I don't think anyone without the kit will have done the job when you can take the car in and get it tested for leaks and refilled for £50 or thereabouts. It isn't something that many people here will attempt.

ATS have a perpetual Groupon discount offer. Currently it's £37.99 for an AC recharge. At that price I don't know why anyone would attempt a DIY recharge.

Posts: 8113

Not when it is £60 for insufficient refrigerant for a P38 and you still need to buy the hose on top https://www.halfords.com/motoring/engine-oils-and-fluids/air-con/ac-pro-auto-air-conditioning-recharge---gas-r134a-264627.html.

I've got a couple of mates that both do mobile AC servicing at £55 a time. With the weather we've been having they've both been flat out and booked up solid for the next couple of weeks.

Posts: 2448

They sneakily don't seem to mention the actual amount of refrigerant in that can. I've got one lying around somewhere (with hose) from when I tried to top up my Jeep and then found the Compressor had given up the ghost. I don't really trust the gauge on the hose anyway.