The only place for a coil spring is up Zebedee's arse
Posts: 552

my intermittent wipers are only doing one speed , is this a switch issue or a relay issue . i had a look at rave and the potentiometer is in the stork (switch)on the steering column and there is a relay in the engine fuse box , which is the most likely culprit here or is it something completely different. thanks in advance.

Posts: 672

If you cannot change the speed of the "interval" between the intermittency, then you got an issue on the switch on the lever, or stork as you call it :-)
This assuming the other speeds (fast wipe) are working, then the relay should be fine (without that would not work at all).
You can remove the shrouds (they are a pig to refit) and clean up the electrics on the stork, I do not recall how easy is to take it apart (I had to do the left one years ago it was fairly easy) and clean up the contacts, otherwise I would try another stork from a breaker, is an easy replacement and I do not think very expensive.

Bit of trivia, very few cars have a variable speed setting for the intermittent wipers, read somewhere it was because of a patent issue, so most automakers looked for other options (before the dreadful sensor-driven auto wipers). Pity because is a great feature to have, very useful.

Posts: 552

thanks for that Leolito, i do have another lever, stork to replace it with , i will start there. thanks .

Posts: 8165

Leo is spot on, it's the contacts in the stalk. One other one that most don't know about is the setting for Intermittent wipers in the BeCM. Default is disabled but if you change it to enabled and you have the wipers on constant, they drop down to intermittent when stationary and start back up again when you reach 2mph.

Posts: 672

Interesting. Mine always did that (and also "slower" intermittent when stopped), I thought it was a normal feature, did not know it was programmable.
All in all, one area of the P38 it can't be questioned. I would love to have a 'drip wipe' a few secs after the last input (wife's Lexus has that and is a neat courtesy), but I can also do a one-wipe once more, that is.
Anything is better than the dreadful modern autowiper sensors ...

Now, if I can only could get my headlight wipers to work regurlarly ... they do it, but randomly :-(

Posts: 2448

Don't they run for one wash in five when the headlights are switched on? Or am I muddling it up with another vehicle?

Posts: 8165

One in two. If you wash the windscreen while the lights are switched on, the headlamp wash/wipe operates on every other wash of the windscreen.