The only place for a coil spring is up Zebedee's arse
Posts: 2440

While I'm feeling RangeRovery....
Does anyone have any suggestions for drop in (or as close as possible) replacements for the twin rear subs? Mine now have the full "free floating cone" mod, so they're pretty useless. If there is anything that can be made to fit and will sound OK, I'm all ears (omg no)

Posts: 8057

Wait for Nigelbb to reply. He got some and we fitted them into his. The sub amp was bolted to the back of the speaker and the new ones didn't have anywhere to bolt it to so I drilled a couple of holes in the side of the housing and used long M6 bolts with some nuts to act as spacers and bolted it there. So I know how to do it but not what speakers you need.....

Posts: 2440

That sounds do-able! Thanks again :D

Posts: 207

Gilbertd wrote:

Wait for Nigelbb to reply. He got some and we fitted them into his. The sub amp was bolted to the back of the speaker and the new ones didn't have anywhere to bolt it to so I drilled a couple of holes in the side of the housing and used long M6 bolts with some nuts to act as spacers and bolted it there. So I know how to do it but not what speakers you need.....

I'm afraid I can't remember where I got the recommendation for these particular speakers from but they work well. You will need two. They were only £25.12 each when I bought them last April not the current £35.99.


Posts: 224

I fitted those in my front doors, work great.
I am in no way an ice expert, in fact, I didn't even know what a sub or a tweeter was.
I also fitted new mid range speakers in all 4 doors. For the twin speaker sub, I fitted new cones with a kit off ebay, I would have fitted new cones for the front speakers too but they had seized, I didn't know a speaker could seize! They can be tested with a flash from a 9v battery from a smoke alarm for example, connect one way and the cone moves up, reverse connections and the cone moves down. Sub speakers were both good when tested with the battery but had rotted cones, 3 of the 4 mid range were seized so I replaced all 4, tweeters were fine.
Repair kit for both sub speakers was quite cheap, my sub amp was bolted to the side of the box so no issues there(2001 dhse) earlier models? had the amp fitted to the speaker itself I believe hence the mod that Richard did.

Posts: 224

£6.95 for 2 sub speaker repair kit.
6 1/2" is the size. Comes with the glue too.
Just checked my ebay purchase history from 12 months ago.

Posts: 224

Link for repair kit.

Posts: 8057

Repair kit is OK but you are still repairing 25+ year old speakers and technology has moved on a bit (plastic cones rather than paper, etc). On the red one I've recently removed the door amps and fitted 2 way crossovers in their place so the door speakers can be fed directly from the head unit. Front passenger speaker on that was seized too so it now has a real motley selection with HK speakers in front right and left rear with standard ones in the other two doors. Still sounds pretty good though and the original sub on that was in good nick for a change.

Posts: 798

These did the trick (on a 98 model Hk hi line) https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/274248116832?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=WqU6RnWnS-q&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=Dtngu6ONT6G&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY

Posts: 2440

Thanks folks! I was hasty and ordered one of the Daytons from Amazon, it was the last one in stock :( I'll fit it and see how easy it is, and hunt down another if I like it. I guess it won't make a lot of difference to fit two different speakers but it would annoy me!

Posts: 2440

I've fitted the first sub, it's alive and is getting a signal. Doesn't seem to make much noise though :(
Seeing as I'm expecting to go back in to it soon, I've just rammed the amp into the bottom of the box in those weirdly diagonal yet vertical grooves that look to be designed to hold an amp but are too close together for the heatsink on mine.

Fitting was OK once I realised you've got to take the whole thing out and apart...

Posts: 8057

They aren't supposed to make that much noise (unless you've got some gansta style drum and bass to play through them at high volume), they just add to the overall sound.

Posts: 2440

Fair enough. I don't imagine the second totally torn speaker is helping much. I'll keep my eyes open for another one. Good news is that just be removing and replacing the CD player - it's now working again!

Posts: 224

Morat wrote:

Fair enough. I don't imagine the second totally torn speaker is helping much. I'll keep my eyes open for another one. Good news is that just be removing and replacing the CD player - it's now working again!

Don't get too excited! I've had my non working cd player out 3 times and had it apart twice and it always works again but not for long .

Posts: 224

A couple of minutes with an angle grinder on your old speaker will produce a strong magnet. I fixed one to a stick and use it like a metal detector to find dropped screws, nuts etc that evade being found by 'looking'.

Posts: 2440

Funny you should mention that, I was messing around in the boot (putting in a new Christmas tree fastener to hold the side panel) and found my long lost 6 sided 10mm Socket :D