I don't think there's been mention yet of which vendor's C ECU it is, don't forget if it's a different make to your original one it will need that vendor's software (Zavoli / OMVL / Bigas / Etc sticker on ECU).
Yeh, would be good to read your results with the 7805.
When I read the stuff on calibration it always seems put over in a bit of an over-simplified fashion... will be because I know the iffs and buts and other stuff they've missed out or not explained properly ;-)
Nah, think more front garden with my mates, and going for midnight walks leaving the computer in the tent...But did used to carry a car battery when we went 'wild camping' (no tent) and slept by a fire in a field / bit of no mans land down next to a little river just a couple mile walk from home... Powered a CB, in case we could persuade anybody (females) to join us. Aerial was at least light and worked well, made a diipole using just wire and a loading coil bought from a ham specialist shop in Leeds, decent SWR too.