The only place for a coil spring is up Zebedee's arse
Posts: 805

(so you can be fairly sure nothing will work properly)

That would be like all those companies that used to advertise ex-rental TVs and VCRs in the back pages of Television magazine in the 80s, as "Grade A", "Working" and "Untested" :-)

Posts: 426

Erm, I haven't been banned from the other site (yet), am I still allowed in? Or is it a prerequisite?

Posts: 8165

Nah, there's only a couple of us that got lifetime bans and a few more that have been banned for a week at a time. Some on here even post on there at odd times........

Posts: 487

Orangebean wrote:

Doesn't look like GeorgeB will be getting his long awaited parts then...

I'd kinda, sorta given up on them anyway! :-)

I love the way he says he won't be replying to the thread. I may just go an comment anyway!

The nothing outside the US is new. He originally told me he shipped all over the world with no problems. Then I started asking around...

Edit to add:- I've just seen this at the bottom of the one in the For Sale section - "If you are waiting for parts from me for a previous orders, your order will be ship in the next couple of days!" That's a relief!

Now awaiting a message from RRTH no doubt!

Posts: 5

OldShep56 wrote:

That is unfukkingbelievable!!!!

No, no... what is unbelievable is me being banned for posting a photo of my RRS next to my Nero Ferrari Scuderia and Black Sapphire Metallic BMW X5M. It was in a thread discussing how Sumatra Black is not a true Black color and the photo was removed twice for "offtopic irrelevant content", the post contained two additional photos of the RRS alone in direct sunlight and indirect sunlight and the final was next to the other vehicles to show exactly how Sumatra differs. I posted the photo again and then was banned for life and threatened. I think that RRTurdHole takes his Admin role a bit too seriously and does not take into consideration anything but his own beliefs and opinions. In any event, I am happy to be part of the community on here and the other RR forums.

Posts: 8165

I managed a weeks ban after he criticised somebody for not putting a correct location in his signature. The poor unsuspecting guy had put his location as Flintshire so I pointed out that it was far more accurate than WA, CO or CT which to me mean Warrington, Colchester and Canterbury. Thyat post was there for all of 2 hours before being deleted and me getting the ban.

Looking at the forum terms of service that Dave posted a page or so ago, I'm considering reporting RRTH to the owners of the site for contravention of the first term........

By the way, the only true black is Rolls Royce Masons Black. The mix recipe is black base and 24 parts black pigment. That's it, nothing else.

Posts: 5

The thought crossed my mind as well in regards to reporting him. The comical thing is no other member on the site complains, cares or has said anything about people not having information in their sig or bio. He has taken this on as if it is his real job or calling in life. Rather asinine and petty but then again so is me discussing this individual. I have nothing more to say about this poor individual. Hopefully things get better for him so he doesn't have to take it out on the internet.

I agree with you on the "True" black. The thread was basically stating that Sumatra has a blue hue to it. It is an off-black. The fact that two out of the three vehicles were non-LR/RR products were in the photo made the post "off-topic" and irrelevant but it was to show how different Sumatra is to a Metallic Black or Solid Black. Side-note, Carbon Black and Mariana Black are two of my favorite "Black" colors. Especially with a Dark Brown or Beige interior. The depth of the color and various hues found it make for a very alluring appearance without being brash or gaudy.

Posts: 741

What's that Iconoclast ? You were blacklisted for posting up information about the colour black ??

It is amazing that for someone who seems to enjoy repeating 'Read Rave' / 'Search' Toad has yet to be found out as a "off-topic irrelevant idiot" !
Maybe he has some photos of the owners in compromising situations or something.... ? Only that could explain his longevity on RRnet....

Seriously I think he 'gets off' by finding the tiniest reasons for banning folks: Result of a tough childhood probably (?) Needs Therapy !

Post those photos up here instead: I was looking at colour charts recently and was amazed at how many shades/variants of black there are....

Posts: 2312

Looking at the latest New User on the pub home page, it appears that RRTH has dropped into the pub!
I'm picturing a wild west saloon moment, when a stranger walks in, the jangly piano stops and everything goes quiet.
Actually that's exactly what rural Devon pubs were like when I first moved down here. Eventually the locals came round but even after 17 years I'm still an incomer.

Posts: 741

Nahh - he is way too wimpy to join for real, unless it IS him - and he has come to say he is 'very sorry' before we all 'grass him up' ?!

Tell you what OB, I'm picturing a Clint Eastwood western (in fact most of them) where the chief baddy gets his come-upance after he has said "who are you ?"

" What's that Toad - when a man with a grease-gun meets a man with a torque wrench the man with the grease-gun is dead slippery ?"
No ? how about:
" Go Ahead punk - make my day - Search for Rave".....

Posts: 2312

Maybe he just wants to join a site where he can converse with knowledgeable adult P38 enthusiasts ?
Here we can use the word "feck" without getting a warning pm (not from RRTH but one of his fellow Mods) for childish behaviour and an attempt to circumvent profanity rules.

Posts: 331

OB, did you say anything to Joe the fish?

Posts: 2312

OB, did you say anything to Joe the fish?


Posts: 331

So did I .......... we'll see if he turns up.

Posts: 8165

I seriously hope it is him. Then he can find out what an arrogant, unwelcoming, unhelpful, condescending,twat he comes across as to sensible, mature, civilised people. I honestly think he tells people to read RAVE or do a search purely to show that he thinks he knows what he's talking about but doesn't really. I notice that he has edited his post where he gave someone completely wrong information. The guy that asked which temperature sensor was the one that the petrol ECU gets it's readings from and he said the green one. I'd be well pissed off if I'd asked a question and based on the answer given by a seemingly knowledgeable admin on the forum I'd gone out and bought the wrong part.

However, at least we've managed to help out a few new members by getting them over here and being able to give them accurate, helpful advice. It seems that most of the threads started recently are of the look at this reasonably nice P38 I've just bought and then completely fucked up by chopping huge lumps of bodywork off.

Posts: 805

Looking at the logs it would have been quite early in the morning for the real RRTH and they have signed up with a "free" email address. I've dropped him a PM on the other site to see if it genuinely is him. If not, I'll delete the account - slagging folk off is one thing but creating impostor accounts is quite another. We'll have none of that shit here.

Posts: 8165

Can you look at the IP address Gordon? That would at least tell you where in the world he registered from.

Posts: 805

I did; it's an IPv6 address in Time Warner Cable's block that geolocates apparently to the wrong side of the US for RRTH - but geoip lookup isn't very accurate and it may just be showing me where their point-of-presence breaks out. If you look at mine, for example, it shows me as being near Bracknell...

Posts: 342

He was probably up one night in his bungalow that he still lives in with mom, trolling the internet and googled his own name. Came across here and was astounded at the perceived dislike for him.
I thought I had quite a bit to contribute on that other site by way of ownership of a Holland & Holland and the documentation and contributions I made during my rebuild of the Linley, but I believe that my failing was having a sense of humor and expecting others to be like minded.
If you are reading this RRToad, it really is difficult to be an asshole and you should really try changing. You bring the whole board down over there and a good first step would be unbanning everyone you banned.
Here's a few knowns for you
Being a Landrover owner

  1. Requires a sense of humor
  2. Makes your knuckles bleed
  3. Makes you realize that you don't have enough tools
  4. Has you ask yourself what the design engineers were thinking
  5. Makes you say "F$&@, B@ll@x, je$u$ Chri$t, damm&t" a lot
  6. Gets you drinking tea
  7. Makes your Workshop manual unreadable with oily thumbprints
  8. Has your wife ask "when are you done?"
  9. Has your wife stop asking "when are you done?"
  10. Makes your kids say "dads under the Landrover
  11. Realize that Landrover owners are a unique bunch
  12. See 3 above

So RRToad, for your own sake, will you cop on, get a grip, take 25 of your American cents from your money jar and go buy a sense of humor. Unban the banned and move on.....

Or continue to be , as they say in the U.K., a knob-ED!

Posts: 8165

Very nicely put and I hope he does read it but you missed one additional known fact. That's how ownership of a Land Rover makes time go much faster so the simple couple of hours job takes two days (as one that I thought I'd get done on Saturday morning while her indoors was working a bit of overtime wasn't finished until Sunday lunchtime). The problem with RR.net is that it contradicts point 3, it has one too many, him. You do appear to have something wrong with your keyboard though, it's mis-spelling words in point 5.......