The only place for a coil spring is up Zebedee's arse
Posts: 342

RRToadhall has banned me for life from the RRForum for "childish behavior".... is there a community or help group somewhere to help me come to terms with this tragedy that has befallen me?
Seems like RRToadhall doesn't realize that anyone who owns a Landrover is required to have a sense of humor.
Irish and plying my trade in USA

Posts: 331

That is unfukkingbelievable!!!!

Hey, let see some pics of that H&H of yours now. Have you finished the restoration??

Oh, and welcome by the way .............. good job you've a sense of humour, you'll need it here lol

Posts: 741

Well I expect Toad also told you he had 'received complaints' about your behaviour' (although he didn't of course) but only he is allowed to do 'jokes' (and he is thus the epitome of a hypocrite).... Don't think he would understand 'craic' if he fell in one either.....

You are both absolutely right that we P38 owners need a sense of humour: With some of these odd faults 'if you don't laugh you'll cry' !
I have definitely consdered this a number of times: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=78b67l_yxUc

Posts: 805

He really is a dick, isn't he? I don't think I've had to ban anyone yet, that didn't have an email address at yandex.ru and an odd fascination with camgirls.

Posts: 8165

Unbelievable. I got my lifetime ban for sending spam messages (inviting people to this forum) on a daily basis when I'd only sent one invite in 6 weeks (my story is here https://rangerovers.pub/topic/189-looks-like-rrtoadhall-doesn-t-like-competition). OK, so I'd had a couple of 1 week bans for profanity (as had Gordon), or at least making comments that were too subtle for the redneck American sense of Humour (or lack of). You are most welcome here and at this rate, the more people he bans the better. I registered another username on there so I can see what is going on and to avoid the adverts, posted once, which appeared after the required wait for the post to be approved, only to be removed a couple of hours later. I haven't seen you post anything even remotely objectionable so what was it that he didn't like? All we need do now is get Johnno42 over here, he's an Aussie who had a Classic and really knows his stuff but has just bought a P38 and is a bit out of his depth at the moment.

RRTH is a total arse (something you can say on here without fear of consequences).

Posts: 8165

Considering you own the ONLY Linley in the US and an immaculate H&H, you are the sort of person that any RR forum would really want as a member. The work that you did on the restoration is superb and you are an asset to any site. But, you are a threat to the little club of experts who know everything. I got the feeling I pissed RRTH off more by correcting the crap that he posted than by using the odd word he didn't like.

Posts: 647

So this place is becoming a sort of safe haven then. I like the idea.

Posts: 8165

I suppose it's a bit like having a bad day at work, you go to the pub.

Only in this case, it's like going to the pub because you've been sacked at work.......

Posts: 342

@Oldshep56, I'm glad to share pics of the vehicles but haven't figured out how to upload photos to this site?

Posts: 2312

You have to put them onto a 3rd party hosting site- Photobucket or whatever your favourite flavour is, then put the url for the hosted image into your post using the 5th button (looks a bit like a mountain)

JMCLuimni wrote:

@Oldshep56, I'm glad to share pics of the vehicles but haven't figured out how to upload photos to this site?

Posts: 331

Gilbertd wrote:

Considering you own the ONLY Linley in the US and an immaculate H&H, you are the sort of person that any RR forum would really want as a member.

My mistake .......... I called it a H&H but it was a Linley you did an absolutely amazing restoration on. You should be loudly lauded over there for that restoration!!!

Posts: 8165

If you use Photobucket (which seems to be behaving itself these days), once you have uploaded the picture, click on it and on the right side of the page there are 4 different URLs so you can link to it. Use the second on down (marked Direct), click in that and it will copy the URL and then paste it into the little box that pops up when you click the insert image button.

Lets see if it works the same with flickr.....

enter image description here

Obviously not. I suspect it's because you have linked to an album rather than an individual image. However, I can't open the album if I try that either.

Posts: 2448

Welcome to the pub :) I'm sure you'll find it a lot less stressful over here...

Posts: 342

i give up trying to add photos....
Using Flickr and not working.
Images are on the other Range Rover site .
Here is link...

Posts: 487

Ah what the hell, I'm probably about to join you...

This is not character assassination - honest

Posts: 1327

GeorgeB wrote:

Ah what the hell, I'm probably about to join you...

This is not character assassination - honest

Well George, looks like your the only one that has the balls to tell it as it is, let's see what reply you get

Posts: 487

no10chris wrote:

GeorgeB wrote:

Ah what the hell, I'm probably about to join you...

This is not character assassination - honest

Well George, looks like your the only one that has the balls to tell it as it is, let's see what reply you get

Just had a message from RRTH; "What on earth are you talking about?"

I responded, politely, that Scotty may not be the all wondrous god of suppliers and guess what? I get a reply saying that Sweet FA was bad English and an entire page of the thread has been deleted, leaving only the sycophantic ramblings!

Posts: 647

There's a film about a similar subject: The Dictator (difference: there is laughter too)

Posts: 8165

What's bad about sweet Fanny Adams? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fanny_Adams

As I found out, criticise RRTH, Scotty or Leftlanetrucking and you will incur the wrath.

Posts: 1371

Surely these mods on the other site are short sighted. If I were a mod I'd allow any relevant external link and argumentative comment, they serve to build reputation of a forum as an open, none censored, unbiased hub of discussion. Starting down the censorship and anti free speech road, people will surely come to realise the forum can no longer be considered a central hub of info and will wonder what content has been intentionally hidden from them. That would be enough to prompt me to check other forums for answers anyway, counter productive. Incorrect arguments can be talked through and shown to be incorrect, it can all add to forum interest, highlights lack of censorship and builds confidence in the forum among users.

I'm effectively barred from Lexus Owners Club forum for mentioning Lexus models converted to LPG should have a valve lube system fitted and posting a pic of a Lexus I converted. Another LPG installer advertises on the site and doesn't advise lubes are necessary on Lexus models, one of the moderators whom had his Lexus converted there censors anything that might be deemed negative against that firm as hostile content, even if content is correct and could help some of his members prevent burned engine valves.
