The only place for a coil spring is up Zebedee's arse
Posts: 2312

Checked oil on blue back-up RR, prior to my road trip/ holiday tour tomorrow and...
enter image description here
Yes- that's a lovely beige water/ oil emulsion. Checked coolant level in expansion tank- dropped around 1/4 litre and it never uses any.
So that's that, both P38s sidelined.
I am so pi$$ed off

Posts: 741

Assuming it is the HG -and so you will at some point strip it all down to replace it- have you (seriously) considered using K-Seal temporarily OB ?

Posts: 2312

Not seriously, or even in passing, considered Dave!
Hired a car from the nice lady at Enterprise to cover the road trip. Not quite the same driving experience I was hoping for, driving a Focus rather than my lovingly restored Vogue SE, but I need the break from the workshop and cars in general.
When I'm back I'll drop a new diff into the black one and then do diagnostics on the blue one.

Posts: 741

Fair enough OB, but I did say temporarily.... !

Frankly a couple of times I have considered not taking my P38 on long trips but just hiring something else instead...
as it would certainly make a holiday trip (much) less stressful - so just enjoy the break from the P38 heartache !!

Incidentally I have known K-Seal to work with smaller leaks like yours

Posts: 290

Sorry to hear that OB.

I have been stress free ever since mine went to its grave. Yes I really miss it but I now actually have some money in the bank and dont worry when going on long journeys anymore.

Posts: 2312

I've never given a second thought to long journeys in the blue one (well apart from the first ever long trip!). Not Gilbertd's version of a long trip, but it's quite happily done 900 miles in a day before.
Probably a good thing I actually checked the oil as it has never used any oil between changes, and minimal coolant- a splash every 6 months.
Engine wouldn't have lasted too long on a water/ oil emulsion.

Posts: 647

Sorry to hear the mate, but understandable.
Maybe it isn't wise to maintain two of these vehicles, double trouble as they say. Time to wrap a nice ribbon around the blue one.
Did you remove the diff from the project-one already, otherwise let it be and take her on the trip (as advised by others) and enjoy the ride.
For me it is in about two weeks we are going on a short holiday to Normandy / Bretagne with the RR.

Posts: 2312

Enjoy your holiday Tony.
Already dropped the prop off the black one to check for obvious loose nut issues, but no joy.
The intention was never to try and keep two of these on the road at the same time. One was always going to be sold. It was just handy to have the blue one on the road while the black one was being renovated.
Well, the black one is only a diff swap away from daily driver and the blue one (probably) needs a head job or two, so the new owner can continue to enjoy the benefits of P38 ownership.
Problem tracing can wait until next week when I'm back

Posts: 647

Have a good time and clear your mind then.

Posts: 8165

Why not just swap the rear diffs? Put the one from the blue one into the black one? At least then you'll have one worker rather than an Enterprise Focus. Last time I had a hire car (when my water pump self destructed), Enterprise gave me a Zafira. Even a doggy P38 would have been better.

Posts: 2312

I had thought of that, briefly, but I've had enough of spannering cars at the moment. I'll be back fully charged after my break- even if it is in a rental.
I was definitely at the Basil Fawlty stage of giving the blue one a damn good thrashing with a stout stick this afternoon, but I'm happy to leave them both locked in the workshop for a few days.

Posts: 302

I definitely feel your pain OB. Enjoy your holiday and come back to look at it fresh.

Posts: 1327

Jeez, keep all ropes away from mark,, oh and matches thinking about it,,
On a serious note, glad your such a committed p38 person, otherwise I know it would be on its way to scrap yard,, enjoy your break, come back and sort your se, get some enjoyment out of that then attack the blue one.

Posts: 2448

Yeah, that's shitty luck :(
Of course, it's also your chance to upgrade!

Posts: 2312

Upgrade to a larger hammer or a large dose of strong tranquillisers?
Sitting at a pavement cafe in the sunshine in Brighton. Rental Corsa dumped in expensive paid parking and not a P38 to be seen. Life's good. Pleased you sorted your door Morat by the way.

Posts: 647

Orangebean wrote:

Sitting at a pavement cafe in the sunshine in Brighton. Rental Corsa dumped in expensive paid parking and not a P38 to be seen. Life's good.

So this thread is changing from a rant-thread to a holiday adventure thread ☺
Have a good time Mark!

Posts: 23

I am so totally with you on the P38. My first - and will be my last. Got it back from having cooling system rebuilt (FOC due to shady dealings from mechanic) and now alarm system is still giving me a headache. Wonder how much I can pawn this thing off for?$$ Hammer and tranqs sound perfect right about now.

Anyone in FR want to buy a P38 - cheap? :)

Posts: 2448

Where in France? I'll be out in August :)

Posts: 331

If I recall, he is in Versailles.

Posts: 8165

No, that's RRHSG who's in Versailles, mymysteri is somewhere to the North West of Paris. I'll be over there on 13-15th May and was planning on dropping in on RRHSG on my way back (as he owns a wine bar) but could always drop in with the Nanocom on my way back to Calais for the ferry on the Monday afternoon.....