The only place for a coil spring is up Zebedee's arse
Posts: 2448

Just dived in with the Nano to disable the alarm and had a look at the Airbag ECU. There have been some Airbag fault messages on the dash recently.
Errors are
Passenger airbag open circuit
Left airbag open circuit
Right airbag open circuit.
All marked "intermittent"

It seems like coincidence to have wiring faults on all three - is this going to be the plug to the ECU? If so.. where is it? :)
Thanks again....

Posts: 2312

That's the one that lives under the centre console in cubby box area (does on my blue one anyway!). PITA to get to as console has to come out.
Just for the hell of it, clean/ reseat the yellow connectors under the seats. They can get pulled around moving the seats to extremes of travel.

Posts: 2448

Worth a squirt! Thanks - I'll give it a go.
/me wonders if it's time to go to Swindon again, or whether I'll get shot on sight! :)

Posts: 1310

If you come in the next couple of weeks it'll be perfect... I'm away out of the country on holiday!!

If they are showing as intermittent, then it could just be loose connections, or as things are warming up and expanding a bit, it's causing strange things to happen, or the bits of moisture from winter are now drying out...

Passenger airbag is the one in the dash.. Left/Right are the ones in the seats.

If the fault has been logged even once, it will log as intermittent if it's not there again on the next power up.

The passenger airbag connector in the dash can be got to (if you wanted to disconnect/reconnect/give a squeeze by removing the screws for the glovebox (don't even think you need to do the bolts) and pulling it all forwards. From memory, you can then get to the airbag connector.


Posts: 2448

Haven't had time to play with this yet, but it has progressed to the next stage. Airbag Fault on the Dash and SRS light on. RH airbag open circuit (permanent). If I clear the fault, it's there again instantly (or it isn't clearing). So I guess it's time to check the circuit and then the airbag. It's a bit beyond me at the moment because I'm just back from Holiday and work is about to go nuclear for the summer event season. Hey ho.
I might be making puppy eyes at people during Summer Camp!

Posts: 2312

You could walk out and unplug/plug/ unplug/plug the yellow connectors under the seats in less time than it would take you to put on your eye-liner to prep your puppy eyes :)

Posts: 2448

But.. eye liner!
Ok will do 😀