The option to start on gas will be shown in modern software even if your ECU's firmware is too old to support it.. The option to start on gas may or may not actually work.
You've got to press enter for any changes you make to stick.
As you were told by Jaymic, if you make any changes to the pressure setting you will have to do a full re-calibration. The pressure setting is the pressure at which the system won't factor in any compensation for pressure when calculating gas injector pulse duration, i.e. if actual pressure reading is the same as the reference pressure you set in software it doesn't need to factor in any compensation for pressure being actually higher or lower than your reference pressure. A higher actual pressure than reference pressure will result in the LPG ECU pulsing gas injectors for less time and vice/versa. So, if you make changes to the reference pressure you also have to do a full remap. If you simply change reference pressure from 1.1 to 1.4 bar without doing a remap, the system will compensate for what it now sees is an under pressure situation by pulsing injectors for longer duration (1.4/1.1 = 1.27), so we might expect your mixture to be richer by around 25% unless you remap.
AEB systems are particularly good at compensating for pressure differences accurately. The following isn't to say that it would be a bad idea to change your reference pressure from 1.1 to 1.4 and re-calibrate but is something to consider especially if your system is older... Some of the older AEB systems don't allow you to set the pressure at which the system will switch back to petrol, on such systems (and behind the scenes) the change-back pressure is around 50% of the reference pressure, so that might be 0.55 bar with reference of 1.1 bar and 0.7 bar with reference of 1.4 bar. Your reducer is just about up to the job for fuelling a Rover V8 flat out but might expect pressure to drop a bit when flat out. If you set ref pressure to 1.4 bar, and if other factors are also at play, you may find it more likely to switch back to petrol when you put your foot down even though it might have been perfectly capable of running your engine flat out without switching to petrol. While (again) if you change that figure you'll have to do a full recal anyway. Save your config before making any changes anyway!