Annoyingly it died at the garage where I was getting the wheel bearing done. Garage is clueless on P38 electrics (like me!)
I've found the EKA procedure and I'm hoping to go down there and sort it out. The garage is charging the battery overnight so hopefully it'll hold long enough for me to sort out the EKA issue and get it onto the guy's ramp so he can change the hub and brakes.
So.. I don't think I'm going to trust that battery any more. The usual online suspects don't seem to have anything man enough in terms of CCA and most of them are at 70 aH which doesn't seem enough.
So, good old Hellfrauds... they seem to have a reasonable selection. Should I just go with the £99 one? I'm thought I read somewhere that the P38 prefers a lead acid to calcium, but that might be BS!