The only place for a coil spring is up Zebedee's arse
Posts: 671

Hi, I want to fit a new scuttle [plenum] foam filter and, having read a lot of posts on the pro's and con's of replacing the pollen filters I decided to have a look at the means of removing the panel in front of the windscreen.

I would like to check how to remove the pillar panels that run up the side of the windscreen, the plastic items. I believe that there are screws underneath the plastic covers, and I am concerned that if I try to bend the plastic covers outwards, to get at the screws, then the covers will crack and split. How do the panels come off, so that I can get at the screws underneath ?

I saw some advice [from Symes] to suggest that only one side needs to be removed, as the lower [windscreen] panel slides out sideways, either on one side or the other.

As I say, my main concern is avoiding damaging the panel up the side of the windscreen. I would be inclined not to fit a new scuttle filter if the side panel are going to break.

Any advice would be appreciated.


Posts: 8113

If it is the screws I'm thinking of and the panel I think you mean (the one you need to remove), the screws are behind the rubber door seal.

Posts: 805

You'll be fine - the screws are hidden under the rubber seal, you won't break anything. Most guides will tell you to leave them dangling once you've slid out the bottom trim - don't- just replace one screw, and yes, one side should be fine, certainly for the initial removal. Nylon mesh is the way to go, and RTV around all the screws at the bottom of the screen & the pollen filters, as you seal her up.

Posts: 1083

I didn't have to remove the side panels to get the scuttle panel off of mine

My side panels are glued on aswell as screwed!

Posts: 591

You don't need to remove the A pillar trims. There's enough flex to get the scuttle out without having to take the pillar trims off.

Make sure and do it whilst the weather is warm though as the plastic gets brittle when it's cold.


Posts: 379

I actually said to remove both side trims 👍I said an extra pair of hands help 👍

Posts: 671

Hi, thanks very much to everyone for your advice, it is really appreciated. I didn't realise that the screws are under the rubber door seal ! That certainly would make sense, and the job easier.

I have seen plenty of advice about sealing everything with silicone when putting things back together, just one thing that comes to mind - I read somewhere about sealing the top of the A-pillar area ? Is this the screw holes, by any chance ?

Another request - could someone give me the part number for the fittings, screws and plastic lugs, that hold the scuttle panel, just in case of breakages ? I might just order a few from Rimmer's before I start the job. I have looked through the "Ventilation" section of the Rave manual, but there doesn't seem to be anything on how to remove the scuttle panel, and the parts. From what I read I can only find a section about replacing the pollen filters. This is under Section 80, of volume 2 of the workshop manual, under "Heating and Ventilation".

Lastly, I apologise to Symes for suggesting you said just remove one side. I think that I have read so many different explanations from both RR forums that I am getting mixed up about who suggested what !!

I am in the process of asking my local vet if he can help me grow two extra arms, which would help doing this job !! I never know why God didn't design us with extra detachable arms and legs when he knew that we would be mechanics !! I must remember to speak to him about it when I get to the Pearly Gates, probably next week knowing my luck !!

Thanks again.


Posts: 379

I needed extra hands due to holding mesh/foam & trying to fit those retaining clips---- pita --- if I was doing it again I'd probably just use mesh ---- probably been easier 🙄

Posts: 805

It was me who suggested to just remove one side of the A pillar (on rr.net) - though from the above it sounds like some folks manage without doing either. I'd still suggest you need one side off to be able to slide the windscreeen trim out, and minimise the wear on the plastic clips.

Finding the white plastic clips is like finding rocking horse s*** - don't lose or break them - no pressure

Posts: 655

Yes, the white "spider" clips in the lower seal are a pain to refit and most likely are not all present. Go visit a breaker, doubt you can find them online (I searched and searched). The screws are normal stuff you can find in any DIY store, and the black plastic clips are available in most car "tuning" shops.
After two replacements in three years I am going the nylon mesh route next time (soon I hope).

Posts: 1083

You don't need to remove the side trims..

enter image description here

Posts: 671

Thanks again for all the advice.

May I ask - where are the white spider clips ?I don't remember seeing them on the Microcat catalogue. I was thinking that the screws are just black self tappers.

Thanks, Romanrob, I knew that someone had mentioned it.

Could I ask again - does anyone remember seeing the issue of using RTV sealer somewhere around the top of the A-pillar ?


Posts: 8113

You'd only need to put RTV around the top of the A pillar if the windscreen has previously been replaced by a cowboy who didn't do it properly. So that was probably advice from .net where nobody seems capable of doing anything properly.

Posts: 805

Don't worry about searching for black self tappers - put stainless ones in. I'm always amazed how hard it is to remove a rusty screw from plastic. s/s on the other hand, no problem.
BTR4428 for the clips - breaker is the more likely option

Posts: 8113

Oddly, they seem to be available in Portugal.......


Posts: 383

romanrob wrote:

Don't worry about searching for black self tappers - put stainless ones in. I'm always amazed how hard it is to remove a rusty screw from plastic. s/s on the other hand, no problem.
BTR4428 for the clips - breaker is the more likely option

I had to drill the heads off of mine and that is in a pretty benign environment from a rust perspective!

Posts: 671

Again, I want to thank everyone who has replied about this subject.

I think that I probably have pan-head 4mm stainless steel self tappers in my garage [thanks Romanrob].

I am hoping that the windscreen has never been replaced, it doesn't look like it has. Thanks for the advice about sealing it. I have emailed the company that you mentioned, Oliveira & Valentim, hopefully I may hear from them soon. [Gilbertd].

There is someone selling 6 on ebay, but a bit pricey at about £5.50 each, but I may need them as a last resort.

I had a quick look under one side of the A-pillar panel door seal and the screws look pretty rusty. However, that can be deceptive, if I am lucky the body and head may be OK under the rust. I always have a concern when drilling out screws. It's not so bad with a large bolt, maybe M10, but I always find that with screws one usually has to refit with at least one size, if not two sizes, larger, and there's no guarantee then that you can hide them, or that the cover will fit properly because the head is too big. I will just have to see what happens when I have a go at it !

I see that the panel has been removed with the A-pillar covers still in place, in the picture from StrangeRover. How was this done ? Does the lower windscreen strip just slide out sideways, or was it just pulled upwards, off the vehicle ?

When I looked at the exploded diagram of the A-pillar and windscreen fittings there is a small rectangular plug shown;
No image has appeared - is it possible to insert a picture here ? If so, where is the insert image button ?

So, there is a plug shown in the parts diagram as a fixing for the A-pillar panel, what is it for ?

Sorry for the continuing questions, but there just seems quite a few bits that might break, bend, fall out etc. etc. and, as I don't have spare parts in my small garage I want to make sure that I have the information to buy parts if I need them [except the white spider clips !!!].

Thanks, guys.


Posts: 655

The white spider clips are not fatal. Their job is to hold flush with the glass the lower windscreen metal finisher. If the glass was replaced at some time, most likely one or more will be missing anyway. You can guess by looking at the glass itself and check the label/stamp in one corner, what does it say?
From what I remember (is been a while) the screws in the A-pillars' covering go into some sort of plastic nut and not into any metal, so if you see them rusty replace them with other ones or just scrape them and spray them again.

Picture from StrangeRover has a much more interesting "RR" than a "Range Rover" but I do not dare ask ... :-)

To insert an image - only from a hosting site - you need to copy or insert the link to the image itself.

Posts: 501

Don't use bathroom silicone sealants. They are acetic acid based, hence vinegar smell, and corrode metal .

Posts: 671

Many thanks for the information.

Ref. Leolito - I wonder what the plastic plugs [nutlocks ?] are used for. Interestingly, when I emailed Rimmer's about the screws under the door seal, the ones that hold the A-pillar panel, they said that they don't know anything about screws here - quote "The clip for the A post AWR2174 we have no screws listed."

Ref. Tanis8472 - interesting point about bathroom sealants, I, personally, would only use products for the job in hand, but I think that it would be tempting to use a household sealant if it saved a trip to the motor shop.

Thanks everybody, for all the advice and information. Now I will be OK to ask my local Landrover garage to do the job !!!! Only joking, really, at least now I know what I need, or may need. And what to look for if I make a dogs' gonnads out of it. Hopefully, I won't make the motor into a mobile hot-tub !!
