The only place for a coil spring is up Zebedee's arse
Posts: 275

hi folks what your vies on the new e10 petrol coming out it ment to be ok in RRs after 96 manufacturer date whats your views
I'm not in this category as I've got dirty diesel

Posts: 8105

Only thing that would be of concern for me is that it absorbs water so it might not be too good when I come to use it after it's been in the tank for a few months. Maybe I should just pump it out every couple of months and use it in the lawnmower?

Posts: 1357

Some or all super unleaded will still be neat or E5 though, no worries if running on LPG just use the more expensive E5 for the bit of petrol we use?

Posts: 1141

The line from LR appears to suggest the P38 is fine from 1996. Possibly questionable before that time? (I think some of the P38's are older than that?) https://check-vehicle-compatibility-e10-petrol.service.gov.uk/manufacturer/Land%20Rover

As Simon's said, super unleaded will still be E5. There is a surprising list of newer vehicles that have problems with it - VW have a lot of them.

On the water front, I don't find a problem with the current E5 sitting in the tank for ages. I have known it to go bad in the mower, where its more exposed to the air than in a sealed tank on a car. I'd think the occasional top up on it would be enough to keep it in good order personally. Older cars might have more of an issue with the water side of things, particually if they have metal tanks rather than the plastic ones used by most vehicles. Also if its a GEMS, I'd think the fuel filter would catch most of what you'd worry about, I've known filters that haven't been changed in a very long time to have very green looking fuel trapped on the intake side of them, whilst the other side looks fine, and they are still flowing ok at that point.

Anyone wanting more info theres a summary here > https://www.gov.uk/guidance/e10-petrol-explained
Or an article here > https://www.autoexpress.co.uk/news/104126/official-e10-petrol-launches-september

At the bottom of the Auto Express article, is a listing of the various vehicles with issues.

Posts: 1083

I wouldn't heed Auto express articles about compatibility all they're trying to do is weed out the old cars..

A scare tactic, which is funny.

One of their journos Luke something or other wrote a fair few about E10 and every single consecutive article contradicted the last/

the yanks have been using ethanol rich fuels for years their 87 octane is packed with the stuff

it can play havoc with carbs if left standing

Posts: 383

E10 has been the standard 91 octane fuel here for years. Personally I use either 95 or 98, neither of which have ethanol in it. then, the 97 P38 is the most modern vehicle in the fleet at the moment, then the 81 Landrover, then the 75 Bedford, then the 45 Studebaker, none of which really like unleaded.

Posts: 487

Virtually all the fuel here is ethanol, so can't be avoided. Mines an early '95.

I only do half a tank at a time (due to a goosed tank seal) so fuel pretty regularly. Not a problem, so far.